Showing posts with label lack of sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lack of sleep. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Another Weird Dream


         Neither Richard nor I have been sleeping well lately.  He caught a virus due to stress and probably room temperature.  I always wake up hot and he has a pile of blankets.  He coughs.  Bonnie snores.  One or the other of us will leave the room. 

He turns on the TV.  It is ALWAYS loud.  I cant return to sleep when there is noise.  But somehow between two and four I slept hard.  Really hard.  I know it was hard because I had a nightmarish dream. 

I had gotten out of bed for something (probably to go to the bathroom) and when I returned my end table and all contents had disappeared.  I remember looking for them in some kind of office building.  That was weird.

Later on, while in bed I heard a noise and gone to the window to investigate a noise. I saw our car back up out of the driveway.  Surprisingly there had been enough light to identify that it was our car. They must have been the ones who took the end table.  I think that's where I had last seen my keys

And right behind them was a red convertible with four teenagers first with expressions of Oh, no.  Weve been caught but then a smugness of what are you going to do about it

We had called the police.  They were on their way but had not yet arrived when the rain woke me up from my deep trance.  I dont think I ever returned.  If I did I cannot remember what else happened.  I am surprised at remembering what I did.

Richard continues to come and go not sleeping unless it is in front of the television in a sit-up position.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Let’s NOT Make Plans

           I don’t know what is with Richard making suggestions at every turn.  We all have our own minds and can decide for ourselves as to whether we would truly like to engage in activity or if we are just so tired from the events of the month.

          Besides Richard has a horrible cough.  Ally was coughing last night and Biff’s been coughing.  Hey.  I have an idea.  Why not just rest?  Why not just take a few days to clear our heads and our lungs before we head out to the Safari or Bandon or anywhere else.  And hey.  Why don’t we bring in some income before spending it?

          The blueberry picking didn’t happen until later this season thus the blueberry picking has been extended.  Richard wanted to take the kids blueberry picking this morning.  This morning!  Like that’s going to happen.  Our permanent guests won’t even emerge from their room(s) until after 10:00 a.m.  I would like to accomplished a number of tasks by then – not just start off my day.

          Last night Richard had the most sleep of any human in the house.  I could hear Biff and Clair talking on and off from 10:00 to 3:30.  I knew we wouldn’t be leaving the house when Richard designated.  I think he’s upset and have heard him pull out of the driveway.  I don’t know where.  Maybe to get some medicine to make himself feel better. 

I’d like to return to bed but I’m afraid sleep may not come.  I will turn on the TV.  At this point I don’t even care if it wakes up the others.