Showing posts with label prey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prey. Show all posts

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Ghost and Midnight

I have seen two different cats hanging around our house.  Jenna has named the three that she has seen and Roland says he's seen four. None of them appear to be scroungy or "homeless" and I have wondered what it is that attracts them to our yard in the first place.  Perhaps it was when Roland put up the bird feeder - though we haven't seen too many birds this winter.  

I'm pretty sure that the black cat is a tom.  He wants nothing to do with people.  He runs away if we open the door - and he always dashes off as if he is trying to escape whatever he's guilty of.  Jenna calls him Midnight.

I don't recall ever having seen Ghost before we came home from our Christmas vacation.  She is really friendly, well kept.  We're certain that she belongs to somebody, but we don't know who.  She likes attention.  She wants to cuddle.  She has very soft fur.  Jenna loves her.

I took several pictures of Ghost.  These are the ones which turned out the best.

This is Jenna's favorite

I do not have any pictures of Midnight.