Showing posts with label maps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maps. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Times Have Changed

            The earth spins around as it faces the sun and away from the sun.  It takes 24 hours to complete each spin.  We call the spin cycle of 24 hours a day.  While the earth spins, it also circles around the sun.  It takes 365 ¼ days to circle the earth.  Thus a full year is 365 days except every four years when we have a February 29 added to the calendar.

            The earth has a northern hemisphere and a southern hemisphere – each experiencing seasons opposite of one another.  For example, someone from Minnesota may comment about how cold it is and how much snow they’ve had to shovel while someone in Indonesia may express how hot and muggy it is.  Both of these examples were posted the very same day – though maybe roughly twelve hours apart as one was experiencing night while the other was experiencing day.  But who knows?  The one in Indonesia may have gotten up during the night because he was too hot and sweaty to enjoy a comfortable sleep.

            I had learned about the earth orbiting and rotation when I was in elementary school – I thought we had started learning it in fourth grade, but it could have been sixth.  Either way it had been in elementary school.  In this county the sixth graders start middle school. 

I also remember being more focused on geography in elementary school.  I specifically remember learning the names of the countries in Africa.  We would often have guest speakers from the different countries.  I remember labeling and coloring several maps.  I remember researching states and making posters about our findings. 

from my collection of scanned school work

I also remember learning to type in seventh grade.  I had taken typing as an elective and typed on an actual typewriter and not just a keyboard.  I understand the students are required to learn how to type now.  That is good – but I think it’s something they should learn BEFORE they get to middle school as the keyboard is now a part of their lives (computers were not a staple when I was in school).

Friday, September 1, 2017

The Fires are Closer than I had Thought

    Miss Jenna is off for the next four days after having gone to school for three.  Why not just start school on the 5th? 
    I left the window open last night.  Big mistake.  It is not yet three in the morning and my eyes and nose are going ballistic.  I should have known better. 

    I found this map earlier last month. 

     It maps out 17 different fires that have been burning throughout Washington and Oregon.  Since then I have counted over 25 in Oregon alone.

     The map shows a cycling path - an event that takes place each year and includes cyclists from all over the world - who come from different states and even other nations to participate. We live approximately where the purple dot is.

    I have read that the Horse Creek fire is just twelve miles outside of Riddle.  That is not that far. 

    What ever possessed me to sleep with the windows open?  I must be a glutton for punishment.