Saturday, August 24, 2019

Homographs B-L

I see a bat fly overhead.  I can’t seem to swat it with my baseball bat.

          A bat is a mamel but also an instrument used to hit a ball.

I saw the baseball batter lick the batter from the bowl.

          A batter is a person who hits the ball while batter is a raw mixture of ingredients that may be turned into cookies or cake.

A box is a kind of container but to box is to punch someone.

I’ll need that box for boxing these boxing gloves.

I need a dab of paint in order to finish my picture of you dabbing.

          A dab is a tiny bit but a dab is a movement sometimes associated with hiphop (see here)

          A gag is a short joke.  To gag gives the appearance of  one starting to vomit.

          Foil is a kind of wrap associated with food.  To foil is to prevent – like Snidely Whiplash being “foiled again”.

          An iris is a flower.  Iris is the colored part of the eye.

          A lap is a segment.  A lap is a place to sit.  Animals drink by lapping their tongues. 

After running six laps, I asked if I could sit in your lap and rest a while. I would rather drink water out of a glass than lap it up from a bowl

When I say a light went on in my head, I mean I have an idea or I have figured something out. 

Light also means weight that is opposite of heavy.  For example, an elephant is very heavy, but feathers are light.
           Light also refers to a shade or hue of a color. 

I have a lot of books to return to the library; I hope the parking lot isn’t full.

A lot implies many but a lot is also a piece of land.

I can throw a line out into the water and hope I catch a fish.  I can say a line in a school play.  I can draw a straight line with the assistance of a ruler.

The ruler that I use to measure a line is not the same as a ruler of a country.

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