Friday, March 31, 2023

Diving Into Another Speculative Truth . . . . maybe


Biff sent one of those personality quizzes to Richard who in turn sent it to me.  His given personality was/is Advocate and mine came out Adventurer.  Apparently there are 14 more.  I was not surprised by the results of either one of them. 

Many of the same statements you either agree with, disagree or remain neutral.  The results indicate your introverted level compared to being extraverted, being observant as opposed to intrusive.  Those two fields were obviously one way or another for me without my even taking the quiz. 

Everything else was about neutral for me.  Feeling over thinking (in other words relying on my emotions over my brains) prospecting over judging which actually surprised me as so often I have been a conclusion jumper and do tend to judge others unfairly.  Turbulent as opposed to assertive. 

April starts tomorrow.  I plan to detail the five areas just a bit more based on comments and how I leaned and why. 

Monday, March 27, 2023

What Happened?

I had thoughts that

didnt get posted or even

written to transfer into


Today is Stevens birthday

Jaimes is on the 3rd.

Currently she is

at home but will

have to return before

her birthday as that is

when school starts again


Richard purchased some

bedsheets for Jaime and I

made the bed that

Ally never sleeps in. 

I thought Ally might get

excited about the décor on

the bed and so marked it with a

happy birthday sign so that

she would know it

was for Jaime.


Ally has been sick ever since

I dont think she has even been

in the room since before

Jaime arrived.

Poor kid. 

Doesnt have a typical childhood.

Thats for sure.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Gray and Dismal


Almost every morning

I will look out the window

and notice that the sky

and much of the scenery

have seemed to disappear.


Gradually the fog will lift

and the scenery will start

to show along with the sky. 


It is passed noon and

there is still a hollow and

pale gray lingering where

the sky normally hangs. 


It is dismal and wet. 

I would like to see

some color.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Eye Candy vs. Ugly Desserts

     Jai and I had watched one of those brain game shows.  The focus was on what food appearance is acceptable to the brain.  There were two booths offering brownies.  The free brownies were made to look like dog poop.  Not at all appealing.  The brownies that were not free did LOOK more appealing and pleasing to the eye – but in reality had only been made to look that way but were rather dry.  In my personal experience whenever I have gone to luncheons or parties or such, overall the beautiful ones that appeal to the eyes don’t seem as tasty as the uglier brownies.    The dog poop looking brownies in reality were the better tasting brownie – and not just because they were free.  They were moist and gooey and everything you would expect from a great brownie. 

And it isn’t just brownies, it’s all desserts. I remember my mom ordering German Chocolate Pie one time.  To me it looked like someone had dumped a can of dog food on top the pie crust.  But, oh, it was delicious.  Turned out I really liked German Chocolate Pie!  I have learned that I can eat ugly food and enjoy it more than “eye appealing” food that seems to have more work invested into the presentation part and not so much the taste. 

Frosting can be fun or toppings – such as Voodoo doughnuts that seem to be the main contributing factor – much more important than what lies beneath.  Take the birthday cake that was presented at this morning’s Relief Society birthday party.  I guess I should have taken a picture but did not and so have this rough idea of what I saw.  Thick frosting over cupcakes meant to look like one big sheet cake.  I am more interested in the cake part than the frosting.  But this cake was dry.  Even with the ice cream I tried to combine it with.  In this case the cake was purchased solely on the presentation and not the taste. 

I think it quite unfair to make a product appeal to the eye and not have it designed for the mouth at all.  Ugly might not appeal to the eyes but if I like what I’m tasting, I would rather go with ugly that invests more into taste rather than just “eye candy”.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Woe Resolved

There are a few hand driers that

will accept my hands and work

for me – but not all.


Two weeks ago Richard and I decided to cut

our entertainment services. 

With one company we were offered a

second line to accompany the mobile

phone that I already have. 

Richard decided to pay off my phone and

upgraded his phone plan with the carrier that I am

using but they would not accept his phone. 

They have different styles to choose from. 

One was a flip phone option. 

Seriously.  That was not an option when I

first opened my account – and

the prices were lower for the plan that

Richard wants than when I had opened. 


It is less than his current plan with

a different carrier.

Thus we decided to add him to my plan and since

they have flip phones available, I decided

that I would go back to a flip phone and

Richard decided that he would use

 my brick touch screen.


My phone came a week ago today. 

We talked to a wonderful representative

living in Florida. 

My phone was up and running –

well, for four hours anyway.

Sadly our carrier was experiencing

problems before we could successfully

transfer Richard’s cell number from his old

phone to my brick. 

We were told to call back in

three hours.  I was certain we would not

get that awesome worker we had

previously talked to. 


Our next call was with someone in

North or South Carolina.

She did not seem to have as much experience

as the first. 

Earlier that morning we had called on

Richard’s phone to set up my phone. 

We used my brand new phone to talk to

the customer service rep in Carolina and

were cut off before the transaction was

complete.  That isn’t good.  We did not have

service on either of our provided carrier phones. 


I did have a temporary number that had been

set up by our carrier. 

We used that and talked to another rep who

had loads of experience and talked with

authority and admitted that someone had

messed up. 

Evidently Richard’s number had been placed

 on both the flip phone and the brick. 

The issue with his phone and number was

resolved by the end of the night.

 I had a temporary number up until yesterday. 

Nice to finally have my old number back.


I do not like the orbic phone nearly as much as

the three featured red ones that can be found on

yesterday’s post.

Why can’t I go back to my

Easyfone as I liked it best?

  Better than the orbic.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Electronics Don't Know My Hands


I don't know if there is enough

blood in my hands or

whatever it is that the 

i phones or electronic sinks or

touch screens sense from the

human touch - but I don't seem

to have it and so get frustrated

with devices not recognizing my touch.

I went back to a flip phone. 

It isn’t red but it does

fit in my pocket. 

I no longer have to have

a special wallet in order to

tote my brick phone.

I’ve had flip phones before but this

will take some adjusting.

I will no longer be able to “talk”

my messages or use a keyboard but

have to do one letter at a time by

pressing a number several times. 

Texting has never been my

favorite thing – especially

group texts but it is fine.  I

don’t need it.  

I need the phone

to be a phone.

That is all.

Follow up to this post tomorrow 

I hope

Tuesday, March 14, 2023



Come back little pill

The larger pills come out

maybe one or two at a time

but not seven, not 18

You always roll around and

one or six will manage to

escape as I am trying to

put you back and at least

one of you will fall to the

floor and laugh at me

thinking you have made a

triumphant escape

Truth be known

I dont even wish to take you

I understand your

wanting to hide  

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Planting a Garden

    Friends of Myrtle Creek has introduced an activity for the community to be more involved in plant growth.  Our first introduction started last month.  Each attendee was given seeds to plant in containers.  We brought home peppers, tomatoes and salad mix.  We planted in Costco Muffin containers and transferred the seedling into larger pots.  After we had finished Ally expressed interest that she would like to plant also.  And thus we planted more seeds.  When they sprout we will let her help transfer.

It is the first documented activity that Ally and I have been engaged in 

Friday, March 10, 2023

It Still Makes Me Smile

                As I was walking Bonnie around the neighborhood I smiled as I thought of a time when Richard, Jaime and I were all walking with Bonnie.  I thought I had posted this when it initially happened but cant seem to find it.  Funniest thing in my mind anyway.

         Children and animals seem to be drawn to Richard.  The chickens would flock around him and follow him.  So as we had started our walk at least seven chickens joined us.  All seven made it to the corner where we crossed the street. A couple of them decided to turn the corner rather than cross the street.  Two more decided to turn back toward our house.  But three continued to follow at least for a bit. 

         I dont know if anyone had even noticed us.  Can you imagine?  Seeing three people out walking their dog and having two or three chickens trailing behind them?  It amuses me each time I think about it. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Sunday Visits

                I have been listening to/watching next week’s “Don’t Miss This” and have been awed with the segment which compares Sabbath to Christmas and wrote down my notes to love Sabbath as much as the Christmas holiday (holi taken from holy) and replicate the reasons we gather.

          I remember going to visit my grandma every Sunday afternoon – or just about every Sunday afternoon.  Sometimes we would meet up as a family (her three children plus their children) and she would treat us all to some expensive eating place.  I have fond memories of those Sundays.  I really did look forward to visiting with family.   

getting ready to drive downtown to Grandma's house

with my cousins and Grandma and Aunt

one of the dinners 

          We haven’t established any Sunday traditions in Oregon – though Jai and I had started with watching a “Come Follow Me” You Tube video the minute we returned home.  Richard had always stayed behind doing clerical stuff though did join us on occasion.  I don’t know why we got out of the habit, but I found myself watching videos and prolonging the studies on my own. 

Jaime and I have always enjoyed taking walks – but not just Sundays.  Richard will walk around the block and call it good.  I need more.  Especially when there is so much nature to look at.  Sunday drives have also become a thing of the past – though I had tried when I was driving.  Sunday drives should be relaxing which became a thing of the past – at least in the Salt Lake area.  Don’t know if Richard will go for that one either – though Sunday driving would offer more relaxation in Douglas county than Salt Lake.

My Sunday rituals are very different from my family’s.  But so have the last few Christmases.  I suppose some traditions have to be altered in order to keep the reasons to look forward.  I would like to look forward to the Sabbath in a positive way each week.

Monday, March 6, 2023

5 Important Lessons

 A thought received in my email over 20 years ago.  Exists on many other websites but unknown is the original source. 



We all need to be constantly sharpened. This parable may encourage you to know that you are a special person, with unique God-given talents and abilities.  Only you can fulfill the purpose which you were born to accomplish. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot be changed and, like the pencil, always remember that the most important part of who you are, is what's inside of you.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Three Things

 Wholeheartedly agree:

Three things in life that,
once gone, never come back -
1. Time
2. Words
3. Opportunity
 Three things in life that can destroy a person -
1. Anger
2. Pride
3. Unforgiveness

Three things in life that are never certain -
1. Fortune
2. Success
3. Dreams
Three things that are truly constant -
Father - Son - Holy Ghost