Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Chocolate Chip Cookies for FHE

          Jenna said she wished to give the lesson in family home evening last night - but she needed to bake some chocolate chip cookies before she could give it.
          I had stopped by Rip-Off Rays to make a cookie dough purchase before Jenna returned home from school. 
When she came home, I told her that she and Roland could bake the cookies while I went to a meeting - or if she didn't want me to go (because it was her birthday) I would stay home.  But if I went, I would stop by Ray's on the way home to pick up some fried chicken that she has been craving.
          Her lesson was quite short, but awesome.  She started out by introducing us to the concept of something good as a result of an accident. To demonstrated her example, she asked me to relate the story of the NestlĂ©'s Toll House Cookie as found here. 
          I got to the part in which the "chocolate chips hadn't melted . . ."  She stopped me before I could continue.  She held up one of the chocolate chip cookies and explained that each of us should be like the chips inside the cookie and be "in the world but not of the world" - don't blend in and melt but stand up for what is right.
          Wow!  I may have had that lesson before.  She had actually allowed Conference to spark a trigger.  I was impressed.  Jenna really is awesome!

Monday, April 3, 2017

I Hope You Find Your Rainbow

          Today is Jenna's birthday. It is also "Find a Rainbow Day". She now starts life off as a teenager although she has absolutely no desire of growing up.  She tried watching conference yesterday.  I admire her for trying.  And I know she really was trying to make comments each time she made an off-the-wall comment that brought a smile to my face.

          The first was during the morning session yesterday when the camera had swung around the men performing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  The view was from behind and two the side.

          "Is that Donald Trump?!?  That guy [in the choir]'s hair looks like Donald Trump's!  Why would anyone want his hair to be like Donald Trump's?!?"

           I think it was during Ronald A. Rasband's talk in which a picture was shown of two missionaries.  Jenna's comment: 

          "I like their suits.  It looks like they're going to prom."

         Don't know that's really the image that the Church would want to be portrayed.  I guess that's why the dress code has more restrictions now.

          In the afternoon session, she didn't think Joaquin E. Costa's  voice matched his face. When he showed his wedding photo, we both agreed that he looked like John Francis Daley who played Sweets in the TV series "Bones"

          We did watch conference and did get more out of some talks than others.  She said her favorite talk had been given by Joy D. Jones.  I think she related more to the youth centered talk and finding examples among her friends.  Plus she has always liked the story of Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego.  

          I don't know if Jeffery R. Holland's (from Saturday morning session) was my favorite or not.  I did enjoy his illustration of being a part of a choir to our very existence all while interweaving "sunshine in my soul" - I enjoyed his analogy.

          I hope Jenna may find a rainbow like the one that shown on March 30.  Perhaps it will have to be a metaphorical rainbow. Her party won't be until the 8th.  Happy Birthday, honey!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Last Day - With a Rainbow of Promise

(I Thought I Would Need a Sad-Face Icon but Received a Rainbow Instead)

             Thursday was the last day for checking out books.  The library is closed now.  All checked out media is to be returned to the drop box by April 25.

             There was a rumor going around that a film crew would be there interviewing patrons as they have at many other libraries across the nation.  Nobody knew what time.

             Jenna and I left the house just after 12:00 and headed to the library with books and games in hand.  Someone sat at our regular table; she was using the Wi-Fi - I think. The mayor had come with his wife and had taken several pictures before the film crew arrived. 

             As volume in the library seemed to increase, Jenna and I decided to move outside.  The sun was shining in our face as we neared the bench between the parking lot and front door.  I suggested we move across the street from the parking lot and read while sitting on a bench over there.  Quite a gamble as the element switch had been tampered with all day:  pouring rain, no - sun, no - rain, no - sun . . . 

               Jenna saw the camera crew from Serendipity Films pull up and we went back inside.  It was just after 3:00.  Meanwhile, Carisa Cegavske, a reporter from "The News Review" had come to interview the librarian and patrons as well.  She started with our librarian before the film crew was fully set up.  Jenna spotted a man with a glowing blue stick over his belt. 

            "That's a blue mike," she announced.  The technician was quite impressed that she knew that and asked her if she was planning on getting into film.

            Turns out the "mike" he held looked more like a dust mop that had seen its fair share of cleaning. 

             After her conversation with our librarian, Carisa moved on to the mayor's wife.  We were sitting at the table nearby and I could see Jenna's wheels turning.  I literally had to h0ld onto her.  Jenna and I are friends with the mayor and his wife and I was not willing to lose that due to Jenna's silliness and disrespect.

             "Absolutely no photo bombs!"  I loudly whispered.

             The mayor's wife had tons of information.  She has been through this before when Redding closed down its library.  She wasn't going to move to another location unless there was a library.  After she had fulfilled her years being on the library board, I filled out an application and took her place - well sort of.  She's a pro and I'm still trying to get my feet wet.

             I found it amusing that those who were filming decided to incorporate Carisa's interviews into their film.  Perhaps it had been pre-arranged, but it didn't sound like it had.  When Jenna started answering Carisa's questions, the camera immediately turned on us.  Jenna was thrilled.

             It hadn't been my intention to stay at the library all day.  I had to return at 6:00 for the last board meeting - which evidently the film crew knew about and asked to be a part of it - although I had not known that at the time.

            Jenna and I returned to the car.  Just before I was about to pull away, I told Jenna that we had to go back into the library as we had not signed a release form. (I hope Serendipity got a release form from Carisa as well, as I think she was in all the patron shots - or at least her voice was) After we got that taken care of, we returned home to eat.

             The vehicle in which film crew had arrived was still in the parking lot.  Jenna asked if they would be at the meeting too.  I didn't think they would, but they were - along with an additional amount of public which actually doubled our usual attendance.  That was kind of different.

             After the meeting had ended, everyone went outside so the film crew could take one final shot of the librarian closing the doors.  Once we were all outside, we found a rainbow right over the library.  Instead of fading (as rainbows often do) the colors became more vibrant.  It looked to us as though our library was "the pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow.  We all stood outside the parking lot to get pictures.  Unfortunately my camera wasn't able to capture the awe. 

             The Serendipity cameraman was out there filming.  I made a comment that it would make a great ending to their documentary, as for me, the rainbow represented hope.  He then turned the camera on me.  I wasn't expecting that.  I wish I had made the same profound comment.  It was cool to have such an awesome ending to the tears we all felt for that day.

I came home to find Jenna also taking pictures of the rainbow and the sunset - her pictures came out way better than mine

Here is the article found in News Review.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

LaTiesha and Jenna's Downtown Adventure

The "Service Engine" light came on in the car.  I took the car to the mechanic's downtown.  I told Jenna we would walk around downtown while Mike looked at the car. 

Today is Vietnam Veteran's Day, and even though it was raining, the flags were up and the first picture I took was this one.

I didn't have my camera.  My cell phone made the images appear a lot darker than I think it really was.  I tried to fix them in the computer, but my efforts only seemed to make it worse. 

Just 17 months ago, I had gone downtown with Jenna for trick-or-treating.  There were a lot more vacant buildings then than what I found today. 

I was surprised to find so many businesses open before 10:00 (if at all) but we did find some that were closed and some that were vacant

Jenna kept on making faces at me each time I would lift the phone

I don't know if Rice Brothers and Adams was founded in 1915 or just the building was.

I took pictures of the merchandise that are still displayed in the window.

Across the street from the Mercantile is the historic Citizen's State Bank (no longer open for business)

I think this piece may have belonged to the store with the "winter hours" .  I don't know if they know it's spring as it has been raining and raining and raining; perhaps they have not looked at a calendar or seen the blossoms?

Jenna and I both through the chair was interesting.  But there was so much reflection on so many of the pictures I took - they look like pictures that have been overexposed.

Homestead was closed, but unlike the mercantile, homestead is open for business.  Didn't get much (because of the reflections) but here are a few samples of what we saw

It was while I was taking pictures at the homestead that I learned the Jenna does not care for the term "Ma'am"
Next door to Homestead is a business that has not yet opened (but the building is no longer vacant)

They had passed out treat bags on Halloween.  I was excited to see the word "Bakery" and kept the bags so we could collect.  Unfortunately it is for dog treats as the bakery caters to non-human animals.

Jenna said she was tired and wanted to stop walking.  Come on, girl.  Downtown is not that big.  We should have walked it all and returned to the mechanic within twelve minutes.

She wanted to take me to a building that the school passes each day

We went across the street to take more pictures.  She was so majorly disappointed to discover that the license plates weren't real, but all part of a curtain fabric

 I had her take a few pictures of me just to prove that I was actually downtown with her.

I took a picture of this wild tree that would roam the neighborhood until the owners put it in a cage

This is by the AG parking lot and here is the AG Market and a truck that happened to be making a delivery

Across the street from the market is a tea room called the Painted Lady.  This is a view from the side

The Rio was a theatre that closed down long before we arrived.  Apparently it is still used for business, but not on Wednesdays.

Cool that they kept the posters (I imagine the last two pictures played before the theatre closed)

We also stopped by City Hall (which is where Friends of Myrtle Creek Library will be meeting from now on)

The police are located in the adjoining building on the other side

Jenna had asked me what the carving was next to her.  I didn't know but I took her picture.

I probably should have asked Josh when he came out to say "Hi".  I asked him if he would mind taking a picture of the both of us.

There have been construction projects all around the town.  Highly unusual.  It almost felt like we were in Utah again.  I don't know why this picture came out so dark.  My attempt to lighten it only made it darker.

and some more pictures of us

Jenna wanted to know what this building was next to the hair salon.  I went across the street to get a picture; the front had looked vacant, but  from the side it looks to be residential.  Perhaps I just took a picture of somebody's house?

She saw a payphone and thought we ought to walk to it as they are so rare now.

Behind her was a wall of masterpiece illustration.

the phone is in the way of the "hornet" which is Coffenberry mascot.  So here are a few parts up close.

Coffenberry Middle School Hornets         Cougar Canyon Golf Course
Rodeo is a big event

After we picked up the car, we drove to "Rip off" Rays and turned in our cans

Roland had pizza for us when we returned home.