Monday, February 11, 2019

Dash #47 Beth Rankin


It seems the answer to this question would define her dash more than my own.  But here goes:

        I may have mentioned before that when I lived in Kearns, the residents were given the option of purchasing a can for recycling. At that time, we had a household of five and then six.  Our trash can was ALWAYS full – often the day AFTER garbage day.  As our family needed the extra space, I opted to receive (and pay for) the can.  Two years the purchase of a recycled can was no longer an option.  Everyone received cans – only the mandatory cans were smaller than the initial one I had purchased (or leased rather).

          I tried to be conscience of recycling products, but wasn’t a fanatic about it.  I would sometimes get on the case of my boys or husband (who still hasn't grasped the concept) annoyed that they couldn't get it, but even Jenna had it down by the age of three.

          Two years before we moved to Oregon, I met Beth Rankin for the first time. She and Roland had met through high school band and she asked if she could meet with us as she passed through Salt Lake on her way to moving to Oregon. I remember the day well.  It was mom's fourth day at St. Marx hospital - which really has nothing to do with Beth.  Just that we had met at Firehouse Subs because I could make it on the way to the hospital and both were near Roland's place of work.

          Beth introduced us to her husband, Graham, and Roland introduced me to them (I was the last one to arrive, first to leave our luncheon). Although I didn't realize it at the time, I had met one of the most eco-friendly people on this planet.

          Beth Rankin lives in McMinnville and had taken us on a tour of the Habitat for Humanity - a site that allows people to dump and pick up supplies for home repair, gardening and those types of things.  Since she has lived here, she has joined several community organizations and chapters.  She opened a business to help the farmers with their product. It's been an interesting journey.  I love Beth so much, not because of her overly conscience efforts to recycle, but the wisdom that she shares with others and turning so many ordinary moments into teaching moments.  It's great!

        Whenever Roland messes up on recycling, I tell him that I will tell Beth on him.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to carry a lot of weight.

To learn more about Beth and her causes you can read her blog here and other sites here, here, and here.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sacrament Bread

                I remember when I was a youth, our ward had made it the responsibility of the Aaronic Priesthood to bring the bread.  They rotated among Deacons, Teachers and Priests - at least I think that's how it was.  I might not have even thought about it, but I remember several times when my brother Patrick would announce that it was his turn to bring the bread.  I don't know if this was really a ward thing or if it happened in every church at that time or when it changed or if it changed.  I don't hold the priesthood myself.

                I don't know who was responsible for bringing the bread during my married years.  I don't think it was the Aaronic priesthood however as I don't recall being in the position of bringing bread - which we would have done almost weekly as our boys made up 60% of the Aaronic Priesthood - at least when we first moved in.  I think the bishopric was in charge when we lived in our last ward as it seemed we were contributing at least one loaf a month.  The Aaronic Priesthood was sparse.  I remember when a youth was finally ordained to the position of Deacon.  It was quite a while before we got our second one - and by then he had moved on to being a teacher or Priest.  It was mostly a geriatric ward in which 70% of the members were over 65 years of age.

                I always like it when the bread tastes like it is homemade. The bread today tasted sweet.  Roland thought it tasted like the Hawaiian rolls.  Interesting.  That was pretty much the taste. 
                When we were living in our last ward, I would usually stock up on bread that I would buy at the second hand bakery near Jenna's school.  One time I remember picking up a large unmarked loaf which I assumed was wheat.  It was a large sized loaf and I sent it to church with Roland as I figured it would last a couple of Sundays.  It was used only that first week as it turned out that it wasn't wheat, but rather a light rye.  I would have never guessed as every time I have seen Rye it has been darker than what I had purchased and has always been a smaller loaf than the standard loaf of bread.

                I didn't notice the expressions that I'm certain the bishopric got to witness - especially with the youth who made faces as they chewed on the bread.  Roland was told that the church is suppose to use either wheat or white - never rye bread.  So there was more than half a loaf let and it should have come home, but those who stayed afterward (such as the some members of the bishopric and clerks) ate the remainder of the bread.  I thought that was quite a lot of bread for just four people to each.

                There was a humorous story shared on LDS Living or another site (I apologize that I am unable to locate the reference now) with a congregation located somewhere in Africa (again, I apologize for the lack of detail) in which it was realized that there was no sacrament bread.  A sister who lived near the ward building volunteered some bread that she had recently baked.  Her husband was sent home to get a loaf but apparently didn't even think to look at the loaves and grabbed the first one.  Something worse than rye in the above example is the surprise they received with jalapeño.  I know that would be a lot more traumatic for my mouth.

And the Downward Spiral Begins . . .

            When it was announced that church meetings would be cut back to only two hours on Sunday so that the third hour could be spend with families, neither Jenna nor I believed it would last.  It has been left up to each family or individual to study the "Come Follow Me" program to prepare for the following Sunday.  I could hear Jenna's moans - wishing that would happen but predicting that it would not.

                Like many New Year's Resolutions, there is diligence within the first month, perhaps a couple, but then we start to taper off from what we started and had every intention of keeping.  Jenna and I have been pretty good about going over the manual first thing when we get home.  She stops me and asks lots of questions or rewords the message (or scripture) according to her own understanding.  During the course of the week we have tried to set up appointments with others so that we may research together and establish (or strengthen friendships) and hopefully gain new insight.

                There are YouTube videos that have ideas on how to teach or how to learn.  I've watched a few of "Come Follow Me" program covering various chapters.  I love Bible Project videos.  They are highly entertaining and explain a lot.  It's like a crash course of whatever book or chapters.  I referred to Bible Project all the time when I was teaching the Old Testament as it was more helpful than the manual has ever been.
                I had asked Roland if he would like to set up an appointment with another family in the ward.  He said we didn't have to read the lesson this week as Sunday School is only every other week and today is Priesthood.  Really?  I am appalled with that attitude.  We were given the extra hour a week to study - every week not jut every other week.  Primary lessons happen every week.  We don't rotate weeks.  The guideline is the same each week.  I know Danny and the chorister (who happens to be Danny's mother) would be okay with alternating lesson and singing time.  

               Take this weeks lesson for example - the scriptures featured the temptations of Christ AND the fishers of men.  Danny decided to do her lesson on temptation.  I would have gone for the fishers of men as twenty minutes does not seem adequate for covering both accurately.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

2 week sub assignment

2nd grade reading
          chapter books
          Journeys - first story
Jess makes gifts
          story goes that she makes
          homemade gifts for her mom
                                      her brother Mike, and Gram.
Last paragraph mentions a Jane
          a Jane that was never mentioned

1st group reading
          or disciplining rather
          simple words
                             first pets     
                             then jobs
Yesterday we worked on packets
          simple words
          saying phonics
                   I think the first graders are
loudest of all the classes

          Rhyming Words
          Blending words
Half hour with each class

2nd grade math
          they are learning
          regrouping subtraction
There are at least two who
          share the same focus that
                   I do for accounting

          my lunch
          fourth grade recess
          fourth grade lunch
                   last grade in lunch room
                   clean up has started before
they are through
Friday is popcorn day
                   It is a madhouse!

back to kindergarten
          more rhymes
          more blending sounds
Computer lab
          Potty breaks
          hall monitor
                   until their teacher comes

3rd grade reading
          first book on Sears Tower
          needs to be updated from
                             present to past
2nd book
          monkeys - the vervet monkey
                             to be exact
          they nurse from mother's womb
the kids are grossed out
          it is nice to know they are still innocent
                             and not interested in the
facts of life
          but still -
I tell them they don't have to look at the pictures
          the word "nipple" is in the book.
                             They moan and feel embarrrassed.
They read slowly
          their facial comments and expressions
                             make it slower
I take my turn reading
I read with confidence
                   and at a pace
                                      I think the book should be read.
We have it finished
                   in two days.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

"You Ate My Road Kill" - another trigger

                I saw a boy with a "Fly Guy" book and smiled as I thought about Jenna's desire to read the book back in 2007 or 2008 (Tedd Arnold has written the "Fly Guy" series since 2005 here.

          When Jenna and I read books together, we would take turns doing the voices of different characters.  I think it was a bird that had made accusations against "fly guy" specifically saying, "You Ate My Road Kill".  Jenna thought that was the most hilarious thing.  She would have me say it for many years. 

          "Do the voice, mommy," she requested.

          I would screech in a high pitched voice, "You Ate My Road Kill". 
          She would laugh and laugh and request that I do it again.

          From that point I realized that if she was having a down day (which is rare) I could say to her (in the screechy voice, of course)  "You Ate My Road Kill" and it would change her mood.
          Funny how little things can trigger sweet memories.

          I read her this post and she laughed again.  That screechy voice still works.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wasted Time or Wasted Mind

I attended the webinar lecture

though my mind wasn't as present as
my body.
Not as though
I was seriously in the mood anyway
There were too many sounds drowning out
the lecture
First of all,
my instructor had a sore throat. 
He didn't quite sound like Darth Vader throughout
the entire lecture
There was no wheezing - but a lot of
deep throat
My neighbor's acoustics were going
and the sirens from fire department
started wailing loudly.
One of my classmate forgot
she had turned on her mike  and
failed to turn it off before she
attempted to discipline children
making noise in background.
My instructor finally muted her
and kept referring to the time which
made me laugh as he seemed
more anxious to finish the lecture
than I was. 
I should have left the lecture earlier
I suppose.
I really didn't get anything out of it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Another Weather Report

The weather is so much different

this year as opposed to the year
we moved in. 
The temperatures were warm
but not hot. 
Spring had come early. 
I was astounded at the amount
of "spring" growth and took
lots of pictures. 
What awesomeness.

This year the fog lingers longer.
The skies are grey and murky
and the temperature has been
Bundle up. 
I mean, I guess that is what
I was doing in Utah. 
I don't want Oregon to experience
Salt Lake weather!

It snowed yesterday morning for
only five minutes or so. 
Big thick flacks that
didn't stick.
School was not cancelled though
some of the buses may have been
It wasn't for two hours though.

It seems laughable to me when
the schools are closed or buses are
delayed when there are less than
four inches of snow.
The snow is not the primary concern
It is when the roads are wet and
slick and iced over.

Roland will keep the heater on
in the car.
I rarely ever make it to my destination
with the heat on.
I never have the heat on while
returning home
I loathe wearing a coat in
the car.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Words: Tear and Tear

If ever I should see the word "tear" by itself, I think of the word that rhymes with ear (or "tir) meaning "what falls from my eye" - probably because I produce a lot of them.  But the word "tear" also rhymes with air (or "ter") which means to rip or a hole.  According to this site the word "tear" is a homograph or hetronym.  That is it is spelled the same, in some cases is pronounced the same, but has different meanings.

          I had explored five dictionary sites.  Cambridge was the only one of the five that listed t-ear (tir) first.  The definition provided was "a drop of salty liquid that flows from the eye due to pain or emotion".

          Though all five dictionaries listed similar definitions, each of the others started there definitions with t-air (ter):

                   1 - "pull or rip something apart; separate into pieces"

                   2 - "move very quickly, typical in reckless a or excited manner" 


ter               1 -  noun: damage from being torn
                   1 - verb:  the act of tearing something (Thank you Mr. Webster!)

          2 - a run of unusual success

tir       3 - a drop of clear saline fluid . . . moisture from the eye


ter               pull apart
          2 - move quickly

Oxford (this dictionary had several definitions - I am providing only four)

ter     1 - pull somethin apart; remove or make a hole with force; damage

          2 - state of uncertainty between two conflicting options or parties

tir       3 -      a dop of saline watery fluid; moisture of the eye

          4.  a shape (which combines multi dictionaries such as COBUILD, Webster and Collins to name a few)

ter     1 - puncture or rend
          2 - doubt or uncertainty

tir       3 -      salty fluid due to emotion

          I have used tear (tir) and tear (ter) as a rip or being ripped more than other definitions included.  Occasionally I have used definition 2 as well.

          There is t-air (ter) like "let's get out of here"  "He tore out of there rather quickly"  - usually the word "tear" becomes a thing that happened in the past "tore"  -  I've heard the expression "they tore out of there . . . " meaning they hurried away, but I have never heard it in the present " watch me tear . . ." or "see them tearing"

Merriam-Webster 2 - a run of unusual success gives the example "the team was on a tear"  I have no idea what that even means.   They were running fast?  I have never heard that before.

The number 2 definition of being pulled apart due to conflict I have also heard and may have used myself

"torn between staying home or spending money unnecessarily to travel"

"this addiction is tearing the family apart" - again a tense that changes TEAR

What is the first thing you think of when you see the word TEAR?

Friday, February 1, 2019

Dash GA #5 Awards

What trophies, medals, awards and certificates have you earned throughout your life?  How many have you kept?

          Well this post ought to be short and sweet.

          I think I was in the fourth grade when I was called to the main office to have my picture taken as student of the month.  I don't know what happened to the photo or certificate.  I do not remember retrieving it from the box of treasures that mom had saved.

          I had ribbons from seminary here and ribbons for my targeteer flag here.

          I won a glass bowling pin filled with m&m's.  It was my "gutter ball" trophy.  Not that it's cool to boast that I had the most gutter balls of anyone who joined the league.  It was cute though.  And I enjoyed the m&m's.  If it hadn't broken I would probably still have it.

          Other than that there are my birth, baptism, marriage certificates.  Oh, and several (between 10 and 14) papers indicating I made either the President's or Dean's list. I think that's it.  Exciting, huh?

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Last Day of January

        I finally finished the assignment I started research on Monday. It was supposed to be at least 800 words.  I had 810 to transfer to APA (that stands for American Psychological Association - common for formatting essays for colleges and often more importantly viewed by the instructor than the content) and had changed some of the wording as I was proof-reading and making certain I had and was able to add a few more words which total up to 856 - which is good, considering at least 40 of those words are really reference name and date.

      I have one problem with four parts to finish up for my assessment.  It is very time consuming and only worth 50 points.  I think it should be worth more for all the time I have to pour into it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


          I remember when I was on my mission, and even now, we were (or are) told to stay clear of using abbreviations or initials to describe something that unless you are a member of the Church and are already familiar with the lingo, most non-members are not going to get that RS stands for Relief Society, YW stands for young women, etc. 
          I know I have been guilty of this in my blog - abbreviating.  Occasionally I do try to explain myself or refer to sites that will.  Back then (on my mission) the top initials used were D&C meaning Doctrine and Covenants (which is not what the majority of the population will think D&C means;  even many active church members I had met would first think of Dilation and curettage) and GA for General Authority.

          I suppose I appreciate the advice more now to steer clear from using abbreviations without interjecting the full meaning at least every now and then.  Currently I am taking my last accounting class.  My last one!!!  Talk about being initial happy.  The Church never had anything on the accountants as far as initial goes . . . and yet it seems there are always more initials to be had.  What a pain in the . . .  well, you know.  GAAP, IFRS, FSA, FASB, LIFO, FIFO and now a brand new one to my ears GASB - come one people !!!!  Why, you ask, have I never defined any of these?  Really?  My brain is so confused.  When I talk about my traumatic experiences with accounting, I want the reader to feel my confusion.  When I use the initials without explanation, don't you feel confused?  And even if I defined them, I promise, it does not make any of them any more exciting.  Accountants are boring!  Okay, maybe not all accountants, but the subject certainly is.  I think reading a math text book is more exciting.

          So why I am I even majoring in this, you ask?  I was hoping to straighten up my own personal finances and I've gone to tell you, NONE of those initials apply to anybody's personal finances.  They all have to do with business.  Early on I had learned that "accounting is the language of business"  - maybe that's why I hate the term "business" so much.  Why is it that I am having so much trouble sleeping?  Seriously.  You would think this stuff should put anybody in a coma for a year at least.

          To all of my readers who haven't been familiar with any lingo I've used in regards to the Church, my apologies.  I will try to do better.  For all of my readers who may not be familiar with any of the lingo I've used in regards to the accounting classes that have caused me attitudes of frustration, welcome to my world.  It's unforgivable lingo . . . but I'm certainly not the one who came up with it.  I think it was invented by those who are in a state of comatose.   Why would you purposely wish to make yourself sound dull?

Oh, and just for the record.  YW was the only Church term that spellcheck did not recognize.  Only two of the boring accounting abbreviations were recognized.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Take a Breath When You're Upset

Good Advice.  
If something is bugging you, 
don't yell or scream.  
Leave the house, 
Take a walk.  
Clear your head.  

Take a breath.