Showing posts with label fog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fog. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I'd Rather Work Than Wait

          I think Monday might be the best day for subbing in the schools.  It’s right after the weekend.  Some of the aides would like to extend their time off.  The last time I had subbed at Coffenberry, I was asked by another aide if I had picked her shift up for the 16th.  Unfortunately, I was told to keep that day open as Roland had a doctor’s appointment in the Big City of Roseburg and would be sedated and would need me to drive him home.  I told her I would not be able to do her shift.

On Sunday night I received another request – also from Coffenberry.  I would have liked to have said yes.  I had even double-checked with Roland who really would like to see an extra income.  Her name was on the sub list yesterday morning.  I felt bad.  Once again it feels like I am the only sub in the system.  I’m not as I met another in Canyonville.  Still, they are hurting for subs again.

We left the house at 7:30 a.m, and did not return to Myrtle Creek until 1:30.  There’s six hours of my life that I will never get back.  Not to see that I didn’t want to be with Roland or ensure his safety.  I was in the waiting room.  I, fortunately, had brought a kindle, a book, my journal – so I did have things to do.  It may have not been that big of an ordeal for Roland who was in a trance but had been told later on why the delay.

It seemed like whatever machine the staff had intended to use for the test results wasn’t working properly.  Someone from Eugene had been called to come look at it.  Eugene is over an hour away from Roseburg.  If I understand correctly, Roland was out of it the entire time and did not realize that much time had even passed.  I had looked at the time at 9:00 a.m. and then again at 11:30. I had become concerned.

Meanwhile, I received a request to work at Canyonville – which I would not have done even if I had not gone to Roseburg as the Coffenberry request had come first.  Initially, the Relief Society presidency met each Monday morning to discuss issues which I, myself, have now become a part of.  I guess that is why I couldn’t get a job in accounting – not that I really wanted one.  But an accountant’s pay would be nice.  Having the money to renovate just one of the Brady’s rooms would be nice, let alone the entire house. (see here)  

The weather was unique.  First was our drive to.  The fog was dense on one side.  No landscape could be seen.  The other side could be seen in the morning sun.  So weird that only interstate 5 separated the two.  By afternoon it was raining heavy in Roseburg.  Buckets.  30 mph was too fast for that rain.  I stopped at Arby’s in Winston.  The rain wasn’t falling in Winston.  Theoretically, Roland is not supposed to drive for 24 hours.  When we were at Arby’s I gave him the choice of either driving himself or taking the long way home with me behind the wheel. He did not wish to go the long way home and drove himself. He was fine at the time but is in a deep sleep right now. 

I have not seen any positions available for today.  A friend asked if I would spend an hour or so with her this morning.  I will not be working on Wednesdays as I asked the Relief Society if we could meet on that day instead.  I probably will be able to work on Wednesdays should I accept some long term assignments as I did last year.  Wednesday is not my favorite day to work as it is a short day and the parking lot is full of cars.  One time I had to wait for parents to move their cars before I could get out.  I don’t much care for school traffic.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Face Rock Wayside

          It seemed to me that there were sites I had wanted to capture in photos as we were leaving Bandon to go to Coos Bay.  As they were behind me, I figured I would wait and take photos as we drove into Bandon on Sunday morning after we had checked out of our room.  However, the fog was so dense I couldn’t see whatever I thought I wanted to take pictures of.

          We arrived at Face Rock.  Roland dropped Jenna and I off at the lookout and went to find someplace to park. 

Jenna and I waited at the top.  I blindly took several pictures as I could only see my own reflection. 

notice the guardrail from very top pics

This photo was lightened

Jenna and I had not noticed the stairs that led to the beach and wondered how the people we saw had gotten there.

this is the trail we climbed down in the fog

And then we saw Roland – who had written a message in the sand – though we couldn’t see it until after we found the stairs and he showed it to us.

photo IDs Jenna's real name

So these are some of the pictures that he took:

lightened photo

Jenna, of course, wanted to explore, which was fine.  While the maze was fun to walk, it seemed more enjoyable to me just to watch the movement of others . . . from a distance.

We’ll need to return at another time when Jenna may have time to explore the caves and such.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Morning Fog = Super Warm Evenings

The fog looked worse when I left the house than it does in these three pictures.

I used to watch fog and clouds surrounding the hills south of us.  
The longer the fog lingered in the morning, the warmer it was in the evening
Not that 65 or 67 is especially HOT -but when you consider the snow storms
just three weeks ago.  Dreary skies.  Grey and Drab.
But afternoons bring blue skies with enough coolness in the air that it's bearable
But by 3:30 and 4:00 it is unbearable. 

The fog has moved to the north side where we are and surrounds the entire city like we've been sucked into an endless vapor

It doesn't have an order nor is it bothersome like smoke from burning leaves, but still envelops us as though we are on an eerie set of a Halloween movie.   I don't know what time the fog starts.  I'm not up that early. 

I know it lifts before 10:30.  We had a fire drill today and it was nice outside.  Still cool, but clear enough that we could see all the other classes that went out the same exit.

I can see across the hills this morning.  I wonder if that means if won't be as  hot for us today as it was yesterday.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


I was in a science class the other day
where the students had gone outdoors to
collect one of three tubes that would measure
the precipitation.

They were to record their findings,
use barometers,
study the clouds,
The tubes showed 0 precipitation.

It had been foggy that morning.
I remember when the school bus would pass
our house
the last two years
I would look out my window and see
clouds surrounding the hills across the way
but they surround us now and
it is often too foggy to see what's
behind my neighbors houses.

I had to drive in that fog.  I
followed a truck for as far as I was able
It got off the same exit, but did not
go in the same direction.  I was
left on my own

Why is it that there isn't any moisture
in these clouds?  in
this fog?  Is there inversion mixed in
with the clouds.  It does lift
unlike big city smog that never lifts
always linger.
The fog has been lingering too.
And the rivers, although they look full
and raging in some areas
still look shallow in others.
I wonder why that is.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

From Where I Stand

          I try to keep the room cool so I can fall asleep more easily.  Last night it was cold.  I still managed to sleep.  But I felt overly warm at 3:30 this morning.  When the heat kicked on I moved into the bathroom and stood by the window until the heat shut off.  I then wrote the following:

From where I stand
I can hear the traffic
moving over I5
but I cannot see it
Even if the fog wasn't there
From where I stand
I cannot see Old Pacific Highway
I can barely see the street
where I live

From where I stand
I can hear the trains
I know the tracks were not
completely abandoned
But had never seen a train
in Myrtle Creek
until the other day
when I went to meet my friends
for coffee.

I parked between Good Dogs and
the park and I saw the train
passing the tracks where Jenna
and I have explored and
taken several pictures.
From where I stand
I somehow seem to always hear
more than I can see

Monday, June 18, 2018

It's Going To Be A Scorcher Today

            I noticed when Jenna left for school on overly foggy mornings, she would return with the sun blazing in the sky.  The foggier it is in the morning, the hotter it seems to be with the afternoon sun. 

     The above picture was taken last year - I can't even see the mountains or trees right now.

            I think the sun will be blazing down by 2:00 this afternoon and may not cool off until after 10:00.  But you never know.

            We had wind, rain, sunshine, A/C, open doors, blankets, and shivers alternating all within the same hour.  Jenna took these amazing pictures with her tablet 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

All Signs of Spring are Covered by Distance

It’s foggy out
Not something I like
To Drive in

Perhaps the bus drivers
Are used to it
School here has never
Been cancelled due
To fog
But it will cancel for just
Half an inch of snow

This year has been
colder than any other year
that we’ve lived
It has also been drier
The fog has usually lifted
By noon.
As of now, it
Hangs heavy.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Bring Back The Sun!

            I have mentioned the thick fog and now a constant rain.  It looks awesome and will green up the valley again. 

            This morning I noticed golden flecks donning the hills.  It was so spectacular! 


Of course none of my pictures capture what I see.  The fog covered appearance of the towers as I was coming home.  After I got inside, it started pouring again.

            At 11:00 I could see the sun.  I felt excited as Jenna has a field trip planned for today.  She's been looking forward to it for over a week now.  I don't want her to be disappointed.

            Hopefully they were on the bus already and are at the corn maze now and enjoying themselves.  Perhaps it isn't raining in Winston.  She wouldn't care if it was, but perhaps the faculty does.  I hope her awesome day continues.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

One Piece Might Not Protect Me - I Need It All

          Almost two hours after Jenna left for school, I looked outside the window to see a fog so thick it had nearly swallowed my view of the houses across the street.  Normally I don't get so excited by something that has impaired my vision, but unlike the hazy smoke that had lingered at the beginning of the month, I knew that the fog was clean and moist and would lift and be gone until another morning.  I've never seen the clouds so closely to my face.  It was pretty awesome.

          Right now the sky is clear and blue.  It is a sunny day.  There is no evidence that the fog had descended so low.  The scenery is clean.  There is nothing to impell my vision or breathing.

          Last night we fed the Elders.  The sun was beating on our house and shining through the windows.  The kitchen is always so hot without it.  Roland had the A/C on high and a fan had been set up to blow the cold air into the kitchen.  What cold air?

          We have a skylight in the front room, but Roland had covered it last year when the sun was pounding through - thus the room is not as well lit as the kitchen or our bedroom.  But I decided that we would eat in the living room as it was cooler than the kitchen. 

          We had Hawaiian haystacks and visited for a while before the elders excused themselves to go to their appointment. Elder Mafi left us with a thought about putting on the armor of God - a topic which I have taken all too lightly this month - and especially this week.  It's my final week for the two classes I am currently taking and I have been lacking ambition and motivation.  I haven't been wearing my entire armor of God - perhaps a piece here and there.

          Elder Mafi compared each part to an action such as scripture study or prayer.  I've only been wearing pieces of the armor - or worse - only just trying it on and not long at that.  I thanked him for the reminder.  This morning I woke up thinking about this song.  I also looked up images and subject to strengthen that which I would like to embrace and apply.

          Just as an orange without peel (it's armor, see here) I will sink in the waters of despair.  I want to wear my armor in order to stay afloat. 

          I also looked up and watched this video