Sunday, June 17, 2018

Salt and Pepper Shakers

       Roland and I decided that we needed to replace our disappearing salt and pepper shakers for something that would be easier to fill and easier to spot.  I think the ones we ended up with will get lost in the shuffle as the ones we have currently, but they will be easier to fill.

       I was reminded of how many sets of salt and pepper shakers my brother and I had given to my mom over the years.  So many times her birthday would fall during our family vacation - or shortly thereafter.  Patrick and I would pick out gifts from the souvenir shop of wherever we happened to be.  I don't recall all the sets we gave her except for ones that were shaped like feet.  I don't recall ever having used them.  Mom said she did not need the constant reminder of how out of shape she felt.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Falling Apart . . . Too Sore To Be Dead

I'm sore
I don't know why
I'm feeling muscles that
I didn't know I had
They're crying, "You
never pay attention to us.
We want to be known!"

And I say, "Not if you're
going to treat me with such
disrespect that I can't get
comfortable.  I don't remember
ever feeling so sore.  Why are
you so against me?"

I don't even know where the
sores came from.  I felt
fine when I left the
pool yesterday.  The pain didn't
start until I stood in line to
get my lunch.  Maybe I just
slept on it wrong.  Maybe
my body just wanted to stay
in the water and was
slow about realizing that
it had been out for some time.

I'm not a graceful ager.  I
hate it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Living in South Umpqua

        I'm guessing that Tri City gets its name from being in the middle of three other cities.  Myrtle Creek is north of Tri City, Canyonville is to the south and Riddle is to the west.  Though Tri City has its own fire department and water and sanitation source, it does not have its own post office but shares a zip code with Myrtle Creek.

        The communities seem supportive of one another and don't have rival cities - which is good.  I enjoy the comradery of living here.

        Though I've written several posts about the libraries here, I'm afraid I haven't done much with them since last summer.  Riddle has full support from their city and has decided to go independent.  Myrtle Creek doesn't have the same city support - pretty much the opposite, and so the system joined forces with Douglas County who is still trying to get back of their (our?) feet.

       Myrtle Creek does a summer program for youth - but interest is only to a certain age.  Teenagers may find more programs geared to their level at the Riddle library - which is where I took Jenna and her friend yesterday.  They are creating a float for the parade that will be held on the 30th of this month.  The librarian wanted to know if Jenna would dress up and ride on the float.  Of course, she will.  Jenna loves to dress up.  You don't have to ask her twice.  She plans on dressing as Little Red Riding Hood.  Tall Red Riding Hood is more like it.

        Every time I do something (or we do something) for Riddle, I feel like I'm betraying Myrtle Creek.  Then again, Myrtle Creek doesn't have a teenage program.  The meetings take place on Monday at 5:30 which overall just hasn't been a good time for me.  The few times I have been able to attend, the meeting gets canceled for whatever reason.

        I have already agreed to be Myrtle Creek's story lady.  I forgot to ask what day of the week.  I hope not on Wednesdays. 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Wearing a Winter Coat to Kick off the Summer is so Wrong

       Jenna had planned to kick off her summer by going to the beach.  The temperature had dropped on her last day of school.  It’s been cooler at the beach and raining as well.  The weather has challenged her plans as the temperature has dropped all over the state.  It's also been raining.

           Jenna enjoys the rain and thinks she'd be okay at the beach in the rain.  But I don't wish to drive an hour and a half in the rain to go to a cold wet beach.  I will have to take her later. Poor baby.

       She and a friend kicked their summer off at our house playing games.  They would like to go see "The Incredibles" next week.  The theatre is much closer to us than the beach.

Friday, June 8, 2018

From Hornet to Lancer: the Colors are Still the Same

          Jenna has graduated from Middle School.  Her last day was yesterday and there was a promotion celebration last night.    The principal passed out a few awards.  The first one was for perfect attendance.  She and Kylee had both received perfect attendance awards that day.  Jenna had not missed any school - including the Monday after spring break when I told her she could stay home.  Kayla's family didn't leave until about an hour after she returned.

          The promotional award for 100% attendance went to Kylee who had not missed a day in three years.  I don't recall Jenna having ever missed a class in sixth grade, but know she had missed some during seventh grade.  She had missed the last two days when we left Oregon to go back to Utah for Jeanie's funeral.

          The last award given was for special recognition for outstanding student.  The buildup was one who dressed up for every Spirit day, was always kind to everybody, a happy individual, a great example and more.  I could see Jenna's peers telling saying her name and Jenna denying it. But guess what?  It was her!  She was surprised and I was ecstatic!  She deserved that award.

          My baby will be starting high school this fall.  High School!!!  I remember when she was born and I held her in my arms.  She is taller than me now.  I LOVE Jenna so much.  She is awesome!