
Showing posts with the label celebration

Golden Dox

                This morning I took Bonnie for a longer walk than usual – or rather she walked me.  I don’t know why she thinks she has to move at freeway speed.  I know it isn’t comfortable for her to have her collar choking her as I am leaning against the leash trying to slow her down.  She never learns.  For the most part she has pulled either me or Jenna along.              I don’t know what triggered my memory of Houdini or entering him in the pet contest at Cinco de Mayo celebration that Kearns does every year – or at least each year we had lived there.   We had this hairy dog who loved his boys and would often “escape” to look for them – sometimes ending up at the elementary school or pound.             There were several categories in which we could have entered Houdini.   He would have blown all other dogs out of the water ...

11 out of 11

             I don’t know where Jenna came up with that number but that is how she had rated St. Patrick’s Day this year.   After being denied the opportunity of the annual Grunge Plunge (see here )  for the last two years not to mention the annual Halloween tradition of trick-or-treating downtown (thank you so much COVID) it was decided to involve several of the downtown businesses to participate in a St. Patrick’s Day celebration which Jenna has been looking forward since the beginning of this month it seems.           Jenna started out the day by eating a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast. She  decked out in green because Spirit dressing is a large part of personality.  We left the house later than we had hoped.   She said Scooby Doo would be at Good Dog’s Bakery.   Though he represented the bakery, he was really across the street.    We made our way around a few...

The Hardest Part is Not Being There

                Uncle Ted passed away yesterday.   He and Trudy were our eldest living relatives ( here ). This year Uncle Ted celebrated 100 years of life.   His goal was living to 105.   Now Trudy survives alone.   She is a lot more frail than the last time I saw her.   Her health has declined since we have moved to Oregon.   My cousin has scheduled different family members to rally around the clock so that someone has been with Ted and Trudy at all times.   I wasn't there to assist.   And now Ted is gone.   I cannot even get back for the funeral.               We overspent when we went back to Utah to attend Jeanie's funeral and show our support to Biff.   We've also had the demolition of our house, but not a full restoration   and so it probably wouldn't be wise to leave it unattended. ...

Riddle Celebrates

this flag hangs in our yard Veteran Memorial at Millsite Park                For every Federal Holiday and each holiday honoring Veterans though may not be observed by others (I had not been aware of all of the "flag" holidays that Myrtle Creek observes) Myrtle Creek lines the streets and bridges with flags.   South Umpqua Bridger Exit 108             The mayor credits the Elks for putting out the flags.   I don't know how early they are put out. Though the flags come out every 4th of July, Myrtle Creek itself seems like a ghost town.   People go out of town.   I don't know where they go.   Riddle, perhaps?     not the best pic, but the only one I can find of bridge on Exit 106             Poor Jenna.   Her parents are tired old fuddy-duddys who don't celebrate as we did when we were young...

Speaking of Not Being Able to Plan a Party Due to the Weather . . .

               Earlier last month, the neighbor next door invited J enna to a birthday party for her niece.  The plans included outdoor bbq, games and a bouncy house.  She somehow had the impression that Jenna was/is younger than she is (that is actually the first time anybody has made that assumption. Based upon physical appearance alone, people have always thought that Jenna is older than she is.)                   I, too, had been misled.  I presumed her niece, M olly, would be a little older than she is.  She is actually younger than what Jenna and I had been expecting.  But still, the family really did want Jenna to come.  The weather put a damper on all original plans.         The party had been moved from next door to grandma's house located ...

Labor Day Weekend is for Family

       Facebook has added a new feature.   If you would like, it will give you notifications of what you posted each date however many years ago.   Roland, Jenna and I had spent the day driving and spending time with friends in McMinnville. I happened to check facebook with only an hour left on September 5th - or else I would have missed reminiscing some great posts of years past.       In 2010 I posted that I enjoyed spending the day playing games with the family.  At that point Bill and Kayla were not married.  Corey and Kayla were both at home and Roland and I decided to visit.  Patrick's family had also come.  They were about to leave to go home and make dinner, but I had actually made a huge chicken salad sandwich which I had put on a loaf of French bread and cut it into pieces, but there was still plenty left for Patrick's family.       Ellen and Candy loved the...

Just Who is in Charge Here, Anyway?

It seems like there is always something to do on the 4 th of July.   Salt Lake has their big parade on the 24 th , but Provo (not incredibly far from Salt Lake City) offers a parade.   As mentioned in this post , one can find a parade somewhere during the summer.   I think there is one going on every week.    Fireworks are also shot in the sky throughout the summer.   Neighbors have their personal fireworks and there are shows throughout the valley on different nights and different locations.   Probably the most impressive are in Sugarhouse (offered on the 4 th ) Rice Stadium (University of Utah also on the 4 th ) Fire, Water and Ice celebration in Kearns (1 st week in August, I believe) and baseball stadiums as well as others.  I have a problem breathing around the fireworks.   Over the years I’ve tapered off from watching outdoors to peering behind a window – should I happen to be up (usually I’m in bed) Last year J...

Not the Reunion We Were After

          My Uncle Ross had battled cancer off and on for I don’t know how many years.   His last time in the hospital was majorly hard on his wife and children – but he kept up a positive attitude, I believe for their sake.                       When he left the hospital, he was told that he would have no more than a year left on earth.   (Probably not in those exact words – but you get the gist)           My cousin, Michelle, had sent out a request for an early “Christmas in July” celebration – hoping that we would all enjoy one last celebration with Uncle Ross and have those treasured memories as we had for mom.   Only her request came as a plea on my part: “LaTiesha is moving to Oregon.   Let’s have our Christmas early this year before she goes” She didn’t want to sa...