
Showing posts with the label air

Drastic Change

  I have a drawer where my shorts live or used to anyway.   Weather changed.   Make way for the coats and sweaters!     Problem is – I don’t have enough room.   Too much bulk for just one drawer.     I do love the fall though.   Kind of naughty for the morning temperature to be 67 one day and 43 the next.     I have gone two days now without running the air conditioner.   I would rather have it cold than overly warm   Pretty soon we’ll be turning the heat on.   Bah, humbug!

Perspectives on Craters of the Moon

Image of-the-moon-should-be-a-national-park/article_084c0496-ad13-53c9-99f0-75e374fb6af5.html              I was on my mission the first time my family visited Craters of the Moon in Arco, Idaho.   I had only heard about it – but not in full detail as I learned the second time my family had gone – just to make sure I had the opportunity. Patrick was with the family the first time but had managed to miss out the second time.   I still did not experience the fullness that the family had endured the first time around. They told me that everything looks the same.  The picture above, the picture below, whatever is behind it - it looks the same.  The scenery does not change.             Jenna had reminded me of this as she was asking about church policies and state policies on precautions with COV...


The morning fog was thick In years past that meant when the skies decided to clear   that it would be sunny and warm then to hot Not today. The fog finally cleared the sun came out But it did not get warm The wind blew and chilled the air Our day is now near its end

Recycled Candy

                Yesterday was bleak.   The temperature remained pretty consistent throughout the day  fluctuating   between 53 and 58.   There was a hint of moisture in the air.   I was able to breathe so much better than I have for over a week.   It has been really dry the last five months.   Dry as though I had never left Salt Lake.                     As I hadn't slept well the night prior, I slept several times during the day.   I needed to stay home and rest.   Perhaps I should have rested all day, but had left word that I would help with the library annex.           It is our fourth year to celebrate Halloween in Myrtle Creek.   Each year the city will close off a few streets downtown and everyone is invited to ...

Dust Maks

I remember the smell of smoke or stale air many times when I was in Utah.  It was usually cold outside.  We could shut the doors and stay warm and the smell would stay on the outside.  I've never had smoke follow me inside the house before.  I can't see it indoors, but I know that it is there.  We've been running the fans and airconditioners to discourage the smoke.  It has helped cut down the strength, but I still have a headache. True Value has sold out all dust masks:         Roland said he purchased the last bag less than 30 minutes ago.  The next supply won't be in until Friday.  The air is definitely cleaner with this on.  It is also very hot. We also have dust masks in our evacuation bags.  I had forgotten about that until just now.  We really need to go through our bags again.  Perhaps we will do that for family home evening.          If school should get cancell...