
Showing posts with the label birth

No More Spontaneous Jaunts to Utah

 I wish I had planned better and just taken two weeks after Thanksgiving and then returned.  Three weeks may have been too long on my immune system.  Ryan says I was a tremendous help.  I'm grateful that he thinks that.  I did not feel as productive as I was hoping for.  I suppose I did do at least one productive thing each week I was there.  The day after I had arrived one of my granddaughters had expressed having missed me while she was at school. Ryan and Chelsey's youngest was born two days after I arrived.  Chelsey had already made arrangements with one of her brothers to take the kids while they were at the hospital.  They did return to take the girls to the school on Monday.  Because I was there the aunt was free to drive each girl without having to load up the car with everybody else (as she has three of her own).  Once they brought the baby home the kids were much more interested in their baby sister than they were in spend...


For a year I believed that my youngest granddaughter, Liz, shared her birthday with my son Tony, who is her dad.  It wasn't until I wished a "happy birthday" to both her and Tony that I was corrected.  It's true that Rochelle had gone to the hospital on his birthday, but Liz did not arrive until after midnight making her birthday November 4th instead of the 3rd. This year Rochelle has been carrying extra weight with our only grandson who was also due to make his appearance in November but decided to come a month to six weeks early.  They must have checked into the hospital late last night after Tony had called to wish Roland happy birthday.  Their baby arrived before 2:00 this morning. Recap:  Roland was born on the 3rd.  Two of his children were born on the 3rd.  Daddy daughter combo born different months on the 3rd - in fact, he and Jenna are exactly 50 1/2 years apart.  (see here ) Tony and his oldest daughter are both on the third.  A...