I remember last general conference when it was announced that our upcoming conference would be like no other. Many had speculated change in doctrine. I don’t know of anyone who would have guessed that most of us would be in quarantine due to a pandemic. My brother, Corey, is an introvert and has been enjoying his time at home – possibly too much if there is such thing. I think our parents must have taught us to always make the best of a situation and to look for gratitude. Because we have. Recently Corey shared what I consider an epistle. This he shared on facebook, and I am sharing many of his thoughts on this blog post as it mirrors a lot of my own gratitude as we experience this weirdness. Although we know that not everybody has these things, we are both grateful for electricity, running water, for the ability to communicate electronically and by phone. We are grateful for the time that we have to focus on unfinished projects, me...