
Showing posts with the label blueberries

My Day Thus Far

This morning I dreamed I was in an institute class.   I was about 30 years younger and single.   Many of the students in my class were elderly women.   We were challenged to display something that would remind of us the lesson. I had five posters and selfishly planned on hanging all five and would not share them. (I think I probably missed the point of the lesson) When the class ended I had gone into the hall and toward the door that would lead me out to the parking lot.   I was digging through my purse in order to find my keys.   As I was not coming up with them, I decided to sit down and rummage through my purse believing it would be easier to go through.   Rather than a college or equivalent building, the seat I had chosen next to entrance /exit doors looked more like a lobby you would find in a hospital. As I was looking through my purse a number of guys appeared to ask me why I hadn ’ t been to class.   Evidently I had signed myself up for two...

Allow Me To Back Up a Bit . . .

           We had made arrangements with a local photographer to take some head shots of Jenna; we had planned to meet at Millsite on Monday morning.   We arrived at the park about 8:45 to find it packed with Bible Camp participants.   We texted the photographer to let her know and that we were headed to another park.   She took several shots before we parted ways . . . well, sort of.   Each of us was headed to the library but arrived at different times.           We assisted with the children’s reading program before Jenna and I left to return home. After six we drove to the blueberry farm as I believed Evelyn was expecting us.   We were told we could stay and pick and probably we should have stayed an hour at least, but we left and said we’d return the next morning.           Neither Jenna nor I were in a hurry to go home and so sto...

Volunteer to Payment

            This summer Jenna decided she would do some volunteer work at various places so that she could earn job recommendations for whenever the time should come for seeking actual employment.   Last year she had worked on stage at the theatre, but she hadn’t expected she would get paid for it.   The tips that were left were split among the cast members for their first show.   That was an unexpected bonus.   Jenna truly enjoys acting and was happy just to do that.             On June 24 she had put in her time at the library – taking over my role as story lady.   Last week we went and picked blueberries – though not a lot.   We plan to return next week.             It is three miles to get downtown from our house.   It is another five miles to the blueberry farm. I remembe...

DelEv Blueberries

          I don't know how long it's been since Del Blanchard started his blueberry farm.   I don't know if it was his dream or how just how he got started.   The public hadn't been invited to pick until the year that we moved in.   Evelyn had made some flyers and posted them around town.   Roland saw the one that was hanging at the Pizza Palace - where we had gone to get something to eat.   We copied the address and went blueberry picking the next day.           That first year we dealt solely with Evelyn - who teaches school and I believe prefers it over the blueberry farm.   Del had been sick off and on and so we had to call first to make sure somebody would be there to let us onto the property as there were several days when Evelyn had to take Del to the doctor.           Summer seemed to get away from us last year.   We didn't go as of...

Not Even Close

               This morning I started a search for pics to go with the next post I had mind – which has only been written in my head and outlined on paper, but still needs to be transferred which I had planned today but things don’t always go according to plan . . . like yesterday morning seeing Riddle before the town awakens and the streets have no traffic on them whatsoever.             I did not notice any traffic as I drove to the blueberry patch this morning.  The drive seems long each time I go out there, but somehow felt even longer this morning.  I had gone a different way than I had the other 12 – 20 times I’d gone there before.  The sun shining directly over the spotty windshield did not help matters.  I felt like I had been driving for half an hour at least.             I wish I had left the house s...