
Showing posts with the label scheddule

Middle School Workout

Jenna's school is made of several buildings.   The other day when we received our voter's "pamphlet" we also received a card for a separate measure - a district bond.   I had not known until then how old some of the buildings are. Her sixth-period class is in a building that was built in 1930.   Her 2nd and 5th-period classes are in a building that was built in 1935 with annex (that may be where she meets) built in 1948.   The main building was built in 1947 and the elementary school (not included in her schedule) was built in 1949.   The oldest building (not on her schedule either) was built in 1927.   It looks it. Roland made a fuss over why this bill or measure wasn't presented 30 or 40 years ago.   Maybe it was.   We weren't here so we don't know. Meanwhile, Jenna walks from building to building.   And you are seeing it accurately.   It is all uphill.   The colored broken lines represent Jenna's footprints througho...