
Showing posts with the label brain

Day Five

         Today I took my last of the antibiotic that had been issued Monday.   And I do feel better.   Possibly up to 80%, but I am weak still.   A jaunt out to the mailbox has worn me out.   I have not had much exercise.   Each time I move just an inch (NOT an exaggeration) I end up coughing uncontrollably.   Never in my life have I gone through so many tissues, rolls of toilet paper and bladder pads in such a short time.   I hope to never have to experience this again.             I am grateful that neither Roland nor Jenna has had to endure the same physical pain.   Roland has had a cough and phlegm, but nothing close to where I’ve been.   Jenna has managed to dodge this all together.   Hopefully, it will remain that way.   I think I was sick enough to account for all three of us. I had been scheduled to work four days this week but ended up not working at al...

I Was Hoping for Urgent Care – Not U-Wait While We Care for Everybody Behind You

WARNING:   Although I do not provide all the details, some of what I’ve written provides a gross picture       What a glorious Mothers’ Day NOT – on top of the cough and leaky bladder I was having aches and pains all over my body.  I couldn’t get comfortable whereas I could sleep for very long.  I haven’t been restless before when I am sleeping in a reclining position.  At least not that I know of.  Sheets were pulled away from the mattress.  I’d have a pillow fort beneath my feet.  If I had been given the option to die, I would have taken it.             I’d been scheduled to work both yesterday and today, but took myself out of the subbing position and left a message with the school.  Soon after I left my message, I received a call from another aid seeing if I can work her shift.  When I returned her call and she heard my voice introduce myself, she didn’t even...