I may come across as a bit long-winded
The discussion for this week is to: "Think about a time when your mind was successfully changed either by a message delivered in print, on a screen, or in person from someone else. What factors swayed you?" The first thing that came to mind was accepting gay rights. As with many others, I grew up believing in the influence of society. "Homosexuality was wrong and therefore anyone who practiced was wrong" and I think made to feel worthless. It was something I had been taught all of my life. But through Corey, I've come to realize that to be gay or attracted to the same sex is often NOT a choice. Really, why would an individual go through all the pain and prerecession in addition to having desires that he/she can't seem to control or explain? Why shouldn't they have the same rights as others who develop feelings for the opposite sex? No person has control over developing a love for anot...