
Showing posts with the label buses

Greyhound: Never Doing That Again

                 You think I may have learned from my last Greyhound excursion ( here ) that it wasn’t that great of an experience from Portland to Salt Lake.  But I decided to give them another shot.  I thought it might be a fun experience for Jaime to try.  It would be the first time I brought my own companion on the bus. I had never done that before.            I had purchased the tickets online. I decided the word “Flixbus” means “small”.   Searching the internet further leads me to believe it is the Flixbus that is the coach bus (with more leg room offered than on airlines) and the Greyhound is a petite upgrade from school bus. I have ridden coach buses before and I have ridden school buses.   The bus from Portland to Salt Lake was closer to school bus as far as the amount of space for passengers.   It was definitely smaller than three of the buses Jaime and I took to get to Sal...

Early to Bed, Early to Rise . . .

          Jenna has early morning seminary.   She started this morning.   Arrangements have been made for taking the students from the church to the school - though I had planned on assisting with that this morning.   From the time she left the house to the time I arrived at the church was one of the quickest hours I have ever experienced in my life.             I had forgotten about her being in seminary or school traffic or buses or how much I loathe driving in school traffic.   I had somehow managed to forget all of that during the summer.   As soon as I pulled out of my driveway and saw a school bus, I thought "Oh, no." And then I had to fight the brightness of the sun on top of that.   Good grief.           How is it possible that my baby had just barely turned eleven before our official move to Ore...