
Showing posts with the label customer service

A Week Without Posts

          I think I have mentioned both Roland and Jenna have had some nasty colds, but I seemed fine until Saturday - the 10th.   I had gone to the church as the presidency were holding interviews for those who are visiting teachers.   I could feel a sore throat coming on.   Even when I agreed to teach Relief Society only eight days later.           I went to church on Sunday, the 11th.   I did not stay for choir because I didn't want to strain my throat.   Last week I did a lot of napping (cough medicine knocks me out) and preparing for both primary and RS lessons.   I also participated in a class discussion on a topic that I didn't fully understand.   I took the assessment (midterm) and apparently turned in my discussion notes instead of the assignment.   Brilliant.           My lesson for the Reli...

Quality Customer Service?  A thing of the past

          I'm actually quite impressed with Roland's phone skills.   I got rid of cable as we were paying outrageous amounts each month.   We have been able to pick up six stations with an antenna we purchased, but there was a day when I'm assuming the weather had interfered and we were only down to two.           As mentioned previously, Jenna and I could live without the TV or cable.    We watch it because it's there, but would not miss it if it wasn't.   But Roland likes having the TV and had called another company to see how much cable would run.           So our internet was with Charter.   We NEED the Internet.   Roland works from home online.   We both go to school online.   We need the Internet.   We do not need the cable.   Nevertheless, Roland found a great deal in whi...

Thank you Debbie – I Feel a Great Kinship for You

                    I AM THE PRIMARY CARRIER ON THE PHONE PLAN – ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.   SO WHY DOES T-MOBILE AND CONSUMER CELLULAR INSIST ON CALLING ROLAND’S PHONE ?    Roland always seems to be passing the buck because “they won’t talk to me.”             “Why won’t they talk to him?   He’s on the plan.”   I don’t know how many times I told T-Mobile that Roland “Does Have Authorization” I am so tired of being a third party between Roland and the company or Roland and the neighbor or worse – having him try to communicate with my brother-in-law through me and Kayla.   Give me a break!             At least Consumer Cellular is human.   Even T-Mobiles “caller” is a machine that tells you to press this button and that one.   HEY – you called me.   I don’t ...

Good-bye T-Mobile: I Now Have Consumer Cellular!

  I have had so many problems with T-Mobile the last couple of years, it’s a wonder I haven’t dropped them sooner. I created this post last year and had actually taken it down for two days when I thought that the problem had been resolved – but returned it two days later as there was still miscommunication.    My brother-in-law had also switched to Consumer Cellular – but was without service for a month.   He blames T-Mobile.   I don’t have all the details, but because of my own experience, I think that sounds pretty accurate.  I decided that we would just keep our phones and have new SIM cards through Consumer Cellular.   I was pretty distraught to learn that I would still have to call T-Mobile to get the SIM unlocked as we wished to keep our current phone numbers.   I ended up going through four people before I was given instructions and could receive the rest by email. It really didn’t take as long as they said – well at least...

I Bet the Enterprise Crew didn’t Have to put up with the same Malarkey

Actually you can use your own adjective in place of malarkey.  I can actually think of better words, but so as not to offend certain parties, I choose malarkey for the sake of keeping the post clean.           Long before Jaime Lee Curtis started advertising Activia – she used to act out skits for VoiceStream commercials.  I made my first cell phone purchase through VoiceStream.  My mom and I got two lines – one for each of us – but the plan was (and still is) in my name.           My phone line was for emergencies.  I bought it for that reason – not to be a camera, not to text (though neither was offered when I initially opened my account) and certainly not to be my primary source of phone use.  I don’t even like the phone           After a while I started getting what I believed was junk mail from T-Mobile....