
Showing posts with the label blogging

Why the Aliases?

  Mom had picked out four girl names long before she married.  She wanted to name her four girls Karen Kay, Kelly Jane, Kimberly Elizabeth and Kathy Lynn.  She did end up having four children – but only two girls.  I received the first name.  My mom and dad both have names that start with G and their eldest two have names that start with K. Third born was an S and I thought we should keep the pattern going – two G ’ s, two K ’ s and so my baby sister would have to have a name that started with S.  Instead of Kelly Jane we named her Shelly Jane.  She said she was happy of that as she doesn ’ t care for the name Kelly. There were a few reasons that I decided to use alias names in my blog rather than actual names.   You can read about it in my very first post found here . After I started my blog I changed my sister ’ s name from Shelly to Kayla because I remembered she hadn ’ t liked the name Kelly.   Mostly I used a middle name, one that rh...

I Write For Me

             So often I will write down my thoughts as I ponder over the scriptures.   I write them down in hopes I will remember.   Sloppy cursive that I can’t always read.   I certainly don’t expect anybody else will.             Sometimes I jot down ideas when the computer isn’t available.   I plan to transfer my thoughts into something legible.   I still have many ideas stored in a folder for blogging reference.   Most of the time it gets ignored or else I move on from whatever thought I had.           December 17 for instance.   I had looked up articles featuring Tik Tok and the disturbances it can cause.   It’s said that a fourteen-year-old was arrested for his part in upsetting the school systems and law enforcement who assisted with the safety of the students throughout the nation.   Two weeks later I s...

Upcoming Week - I'm predicting BUSY

             I was asked to give a talk in Sacrament meeting next Sunday.   I am excited to have finally been asked to give a talk.   The subject is on family home evening which is even more exciting.   I was told to keep it at 20 minutes.   Oh, no.   That could be a problem.   Thus   far I think I have over 80 minutes worth of topic.   Lots of prayers will be said this week that I may directed to say the words that the congregation needs to hear.   Meanwhile I have this blog.   Aren't all my followers excited?             I also start new classes tomorrow.  Another Management.  Another Accounting.  I think I will be more focused on my FHE talk as it is a subject near and dear to my heart and I understand the language.  I LOVE my family.  I LOVE how I was raised.  I recognize the benefits of family home evening as ...