
Showing posts with the label excuses

So Much for My Plans

                Jenna had asked if I would drop her off at the park at 10:00 and Roland had an audit for the church.   I figured I would have at least a two hour window in which I could catch up on my journaling thoughts and add another post to my blog.   Jenna returned home and then Roland because the computers were down.   The computers are always down whenever he has an audit – or so it seems.   Perhaps it’s the area.   I heard that the cell phones were invaded just the other day.   Smart phones perhaps.   Mine was still working.   My trusty flip phone. Sorry I did not post yesterday

Recapping the Last Four Weeks

          On March 18 I started a class in public communications.  My first assignment was to take (or make up) a situation from work and address it.  When I initially looked at it I had decided to speak on connecting parental support to the child’s behavior – but I had misread the point of the assignment.  Fortunately I decided to wait until Wednesday (the day of the lecture) before I started.           A teacher’s aide, for the most part, rotates among different classes.  The particular schedule I had followed on that day was 30 minutes each with kindergarten to 3 rd grade, most of the time with kindergarten.  Also, that particular position required me to monitor the 4 th grade during recess and their lunch.  I was with the kindergarten class when the fire alarm went off on Monday for a fire drill.            By Wednesday I ha...