
Showing posts with the label Trump

Our Future Hangs by a Thread

I watched some of the town hall council last night. It was nice to hear Biden speak in full sentences without being interrupted. I did not watch Trump.   I have heard him speak before. I’ve gotten to the point in which I loathe the sound of his voice. I liked having separate sessions.   Last night I had a dream that Trump lost the election by a landslide.   I was in Utah counting ballots with my cousin and we were both acting childish. In the dream she was pro-Trump.   In real life she is definitely NOT. Enjoyed this most recent ad sponsored by Lincoln Project.

Praying For The Lincoln Project

            I believe it was Corey’s senior year in high school when the student directory came out.   On the cover was an art student’s work depicting the mascot and school spirit.   He had signed his artwork “Zion” as he had with many (if not all) of his other pieces.   It wasn’t meant to stand out as the main theme of his drawing but rather blend into the design.   However an instructor who was anti-religion especially anti-LDS had discovered the “hidden” Zion and made such a great fuss over it that it drew much more attention to the drawing and the word than was intended.               It’s quite a small example of how even negative criticism can be used to boost something positive.   Take the Lincoln Project ( here ) for instance, a group of former Republicans no longer affiliated with the party either by choice or perhaps they were asked to leave.   Each m...

Perhaps It Was a Conspiracy Theory

                  I often wonder if Trump didn ’ t pay off the Chinese (or make another hollow promise to pay) to create a virus that would infect the entire planet (villain proof of course) knowing that it would eventually make its way to the U.S. before elections took place.  Trump would pronounce himself to continue as president and not hold an election until after the virus had disappeared.  What a JERK!  The absolute worst president in American history.  Should NOT be worthy of the title president.  Should be the part of history that gets erased.  Remove his name from the title.  He ’ s a villain!  Presidents should not be villains!         Donald Trump and Joe Biden are three and a half years apart.   Three years!   Not three decades.   Pharisees act like they ’ re decades apart and Trump has a much younger and fresher mind.   He is quite ju...

Under Whose Authority?

They don’t look anything alike, but their ruling seems similar.   Donald Trump promoted HATE before he was voted into office – and yet there were so many who really believed in his promise to make Germany America “great again”   Now there are Nazis protester movements in other countries – supporting a cause that should never have been an issue. It should not matter if we are black, Jewish Chinese, American, Italian, red, orange, green Whatever! We are all a part of the human race – even though some may act like they’re not. I hope the protesters in other countries are more peaceful and don’t end in violent riots.   Our nation has a curfew just as those during World War II. Hitler wanted to keep his people in the dark by taking away their radios, limiting their transportation, taking away any freedoms that may have existed. Trump wants to do the same thing.   He sends messages to the nation by texting so that eve...

Here's Hoping

          The world is different now and will continue – I would hope for the better.   Afterall we are all going through the same thing together – but apart.   Some people are using their time wisely and even grateful for the time of solitude.   Others are going stir crazy and blaming anybody who remotely looks Asian for the pandemic.   Really?   Did history Not teach you anything?   American citizens who might have ancestors who lived in China or Japan or wherever.   American citizens who have never known life other than America but because of their skin type are sent away to “camps” for the safety of “real” Americans.   That very thought makes my blood boil.   How dare we cast blame to an entire population who had as much control over the decisions of leadership they may not even be related to.   And even if they are related, so what?   If I learned that I was related to Hitler or At...