
Showing posts with the label activity

Christmas Present for the Ward

          Our ward has seemed to dwindle in attendance since we first moved in.  Some have left our ward due to moving out of the area or moving on to the other side.  We’ve had some move in – but where is the activity?  It has always been an older ward; the daytime activities seem more well attended than night time.              The activities committee had set up and decorated Thursday morning to afternoon.   It was beautiful.   A lot of work went into it.   They had set up an overflow room.   But as it was not all the tables filled up.   I don’t know why.   Last year we seemed to have had people coming out of the woodwork.   I felt smooshed as though there was no elbow room.                This year they had planned for 125 people.   I think there may have been sixty people.   Maybe.   Lot of food.   An announcem...

Another Spelling Error

There is evidently enough people who spell label incorrectly (me being one of them) that this site was created.   I apologize to my readers of foreign tongue who may have struggled through my posts or given up on them.   Often I wonder what the draw is to keep some readers signing in.   Perhaps they enjoy a challenge and can find that through several of my posts.   I guess it’s quite obvious that I don’t always use a spell check or use grammarly. When I was at the MTC we were often divided into groups and were asked to solve problems.   One specific example that comes to mind   was discouraging the use of labels.   Each group was told that we’d be going on a mission to outer space and were given a list of items that we should bring.    To add to the challenge each of us was given a label which was placed over our foreheads so that each member of the group could read what they were except for his/her own. Each label I saw was negative. ...

Dash TV #33 Tucson, Arizona

           I don’t know how often the boys went to Arizona to visit Roland’s sister, Jean before I joined the family.   I know Biff had lived with her for a while – perhaps a couple of years.   He had returned to live with Roland shortly before I met them all. I remember driving to Tucson with Roland to pick the boys up three times after summer was over.   The first time we had gone all the way to Tucson to get them.   The second time we met them in Panquitch, Utah, believing it was a half-way point.   The third time was further down south at Glen Canyon Dam.    We toured the facility before we parted ways and made observations on how much both Tony and Randy had grown.             Biff asked, “What about me?   Haven’t I grown?” His hair was like a small “Sideshow Bob” afro.   He was taller due to his hair.   But once he got it cut, he’d be...