
Showing posts with the label Sundays

Not Often My Favorite Day of the Week

                I don't know for certain how many children Raone had, but suspect there were at least eight.   Leisel was among the eldest.   Roane was a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was diligent in her callings and offering service.   Leisel did not recognize her mother's great efforts.   Instead, she grew up resenting her mother's choices with neglecting her own family and blamed the church.   When she was eighteen, Leisel moved out of the house, she never had her name removed from the records of the church, but had stopped attending meetings and I believe disconnected herself from the family that she had helped raise.             I remember meeting her only once.   She was nice enough and seemed to have her act together - perhaps not financially.   She remained positive so long as c...