
Showing posts with the label reaction

The “Pit” is Starting to Show

             Pit Bulls have always had a bad reputation for being vicious dogs.   Any dog can become vicious if neglected or abused – which Bonnie is not.   She is the sweetest dog – at least to humans.   I have seen a side of her that lives up to the name of a female dog.             Levi is the name of the man who has built our deck and back room.   He has a dog named Roxy – also sweet and probably kind of dumb like Bonnie.   Unlike Bonnie – who is quite overweight – Roxy is skin and bones.   She does look like she hasn’t had a good meal for a while – but she also has little interest in eating or playing with dog toys.   She would like affection and loves to chase the chickens. Bonnie, on the other hand, seemed intimidated by the mass amount of chickens that used to come into our yard.   Now she decided that she can not only chase the chickens but catch them...

Be Prepared . . . Perhaps

When the “Come Follow Me” program was introduced at the same time as two hour meetings, we were told to use the third hour to study at home.   We were also told that we wanted to develop the habit for one day when we were unable to attend church meetings for whatever reason.   None of us had predicted this soon however. We had cancelled our last RS activity due to the weather and decided to cancel our upcoming as well.   We had made the decision before the church announced NO MORE MEETINGS until further notice ( here ). Only seminary will be held unless the schools shut.   But as of now only seminary is the only meeting that will be held at the ward house.   No others.   Not even sacrament meeting.   Why do people panic instead of remaining calm?   Why do so many always expect the worse.   Instead of viewing the police car at the high school as “Oh, good.   They are keeping my child safe” a parent may panic and demand, “What...

Death happens

                Death is inevitable.   It's bound to happen to all of us at one time or another.   Some deaths are more expected than others though it seems to come as a surprise to most.   Such was the case of Dottie,   who was part of the water fitness class.   She didn't go out with our group often when we'd meet at the coffee shop or bakery but had been there a few times including the last when the group had gone to a new cafe for morning breakfast.         Dottie had given Carolyn her cell phone number and would occasionally make phone calls just before class to find out if she was coming.   Carolyn didn't know her last name.   It didn't appear that any of us did.   When she asked, I wondered and so the news did not surprise me nor affect me the same way as it had Carolyn who had been teaching at a school - I would guess Cany...

Four Areas to Acheive

          I post about my classes as because it is part of my current life.   Although the class was last mod, it still affects me, and I didn't have time to post last month as I may have this month.   I had two classes last mod, but don't generally post about my assignments or discussions in accounting.   They're boring.   Even my instructor said they were boring.   That made me laugh.   The subject of accounting is so one dimensional.   Answers have to be exact.   Everything is black and white.   Blah, blah, blah . . .           Critical thinking, on the other hand, teaches aspects of human behavior and the way our minds work.   There isn't right and wrong in the same sense as accounting.   Not everything is black and white as with math.   Not only is there a huge variety of grey shades, but huge explosions of many colors.   P...