
Showing posts with the label swimming

Lodging for One Night

Bandon is a few hundred less in population than is Myrtle Creek.   Unlike Myrtle Creek, Bandon draws crowds of people and tourism.   Thus Bandon offers a variety of lodging including hotels and beach houses to rent.   Denny Dyke and his team create these amazing labyrinth pathways called Circle in the Sand.   My friend had gone and told me that I should go because “it is so cool” (see here and  here ).           The last two days on schedule for this year were September 1 and 2, but nothing offered August 31 which is when Labor Day weekend started.   Because we hadn’t gone anywhere during the time that Roland had off, he felt gypped out of having stayed elsewhere over night.   Because there was no room in Bandon, we had found lodging in Coos Bay.           After checking in to the hotel, we all went swimming.    ...