
Showing posts with the label Walmart

Liking Those McDonald Straws

           Before 2020’s pandemic the governor of Oregon put a ban on plastics – namely plastic bags and straws. That year came with the price of five cents per plastic bag (which is still way cheaper than paying sales tax) and asking for straws – many (such as Costco) which offer those crummy paper straws   which ruin the taste of whatever drink I may have ordered.           A shopper is always asked if he/she would like a bag or bags and will be charged five or ten cents per bag.   Many   stores (including Walmart see here and here ) have have done away with plastic bags and may offer alternatives such as reusable (which may be made of 100% plastic?) I would think for less than three dollars.         The McDonald’s in Myrtle Creek still gives out the fat McDonald’s straw though     these three articles ( here , here and here ) imply that there has been a change t...

I’d Rather Have it Red Like Wendy’s than Wilma Flintstone’s Color

          The other day I went to the hair salon to get my hair cut and colored.  I had  made an appointment for 8:00 but had forgotten I had made it for that time and did not show up until 9:00.  I think the stylist was mad – which she had reason to be.  I was upset with myself – and here I ’ ve been taking this Prevagen (which by the way does not seem to be working; at two dollars a pill, I would think my mind would have cleared that first day).          She said she ’ d color my hair and reset the appointment for my haircut.   But it was the cut I needed more than the coloring. I had purchased only one bottle of hair coloring and was willing to try it by myself – but with less hair.   She agreed to cut me and commented on the thickness and length of my hair.   She then read the directions of the hair dye I had purchased and proceeded to get it ready to add to my head.   I was...

What a Difference

              When the stay-at-home order was given in March, there was a great number of people who did stay home but there were many who had the attitude that “I still have freedom . . . nobody tells me what to do . . .” and have contributed to American stupidity ever since. I don’t like Walmart for many reasons but Roland just so happens to have a Walmart card and Roseburg has a Walmart and so we have been there numerous times – though I have not accompanied him as often as Jenna who wanted to go to Roseburg last and I wanted to stay home with Bonnie (the dog) but Roland had me go and Jenna stay. Because there was no iodized salt offered at Costco, Roland wanted to stop by Walmart first to get some.   The last time we had gone to Walmart there was a line of people waiting for consumers to exit the store and were allowed so many at a time (depending on the amount leaving) maintaining a social distancing.   Everybody required to wea...