
Showing posts with the label benefits

Throwing Hands

           There is a difference between a job and a career.   Career oriented people will put themselves out there.   They have a desire to advance.   They want to change things.   They want to set goals whether it is to make money or better the community, environment, what have you.   Some are so focused on their careers that nothing else is a priority.   Some balance their careers with other things that may have meaning in their lives – such as family or community.   Job people are those who need a paycheck just to make ends meet – or sometimes just to have an extra amount of cash.   These people don’t necessarily wish to make a career out of whatever they’re doing.   It is there just to get buy.   They are not married to their job or at least don’t want to be.   Often people have resentments about their situations on the job – or others that they work with.   Some feel used and abused and str...