
Showing posts with the label headache

That Time of the Year

                After we returned home from the ward party on Saturday I could feel my throat starting to get sore.  I made the mistake of taking a lozenge and allowing it to sit under my tongue all night.  My teeth hurt the following morning – and I just got to the point where I am no longer pained by cold drinks or food.  Now I have to start all over again.         I missed church on Sunday – turns out that Richard was the only one to leave the house.   Ally had a slight cough and I had heard that her throat was sore.   She didn ’ t act sick.   Not like I was sick.   Still, I don ’ t know why both mom and dad had to stay home with her.   But whatever.   My head throbbed.   It felt like the beginning of a sinus infection.         Carolyn had asked if I would like to go get coffee with her and Dan on Friday but I told her I...

Day 14 That is a Long Time

          It’s been two weeks since I went to the doctor.   I had worked three hours on Thursday which maybe I shouldn’t have.   On Friday I developed a headache that just seemed to get worse with each day of the weekend.   I have never had a hangover before, but I have had brain freeze – which is how I felt when the headache started.   Progressively it got worse and I imagined that is what a hangover must feel like.   Especially yesterday when a sensitive stomach decided to contribute to the pain.           While Roland was delivering his talk in church, I was on our bathroom floor experiencing dry heaves.   Perhaps I was dehydrated.   I gulped some water.   Of course, I threw that up.   I wore myself out throwing up and holding my head and crying because I hurt.   I did manage to make it back to my bed and listen to my deep breathing get softer until I even...

Day 11 slowly recovering still

After two weeks of not working, I returned to work yesterday – though it was for only half a day.   I prayed that I would be able to get through the day.   My cough had died down.   Still, I had to change my pants before I had even left the house.          I left the house early to stop by a thrift store as there is a game I would like to get for Jenna – a specific game that I still have not seen and may have to order online.   While there, I looked at dresses and found a light jumper that I thought I could wear.          I had planned on putting keys in my pocket and hooking the walkie-talkie through one of the belt loops but while at the thrift store, I realized that the pants I had changed into did not have pockets.   Frustrating.   I returned home for a lanyard in which I could hang the keys and the walkie-talkie.   Only by the time I returned home, I decided it was war...

I'm Allergic

                 I came home with a headache yesterday.   I still don't know for sure what caused it, though I have a better idea.   Our youngest beehive attends primary before Young Women's starts.   She had been picked to introduce and conclude the primary program.   I noticed she had been wearing make-up; perhaps she was wearing perfume as well.   That is one plus about being in primary - usually my allergies don't react as the children don't tend to wear it for the most part. I can't say for sure as I have lost the majority of my sense of smell.   I'm guessing a sweet perfume.   Those fragrances I think smell best are the ones that irritate my sinuses the most.             The stake primary president was visiting as well.   Perhaps one of those sisters had been wearing a perfume - though they were all on the other side of the sli...