
Showing posts with the label Hurricane Harvey

Stop Complaining

The beds are dry Not all the river beds not all the way some have puddles It's hard to believe that they were near overflowing just four months ago. The haze comes and goes Lately . . . it lingers hard to breathe It's hot.   I think the smoke is holding in the heat I'm currently washing clothes It is hot enough to hang them on the line But won't the smoke defeat my purpose of having washed them in the first place. At least I have a choice to shut my door and keep the elements outside.   How horrible for those who have to deal with Hurricane Harvey and the mess left behind They can't close the door and leave it outside - the water and damage are still in their houses. Many possessions and loved ones gone. Should we have to evacuate, it will be due to smoke inhalation.   I don't think the fires will come. Why can't the elements even out so there are no floods...