
Showing posts with the label delays

Wasted Time . . . Hope and Prayers

                 Marketing is horrible in Douglas County.  I noticed that shortly after we moved here from Salt Lake.  Marketing in Salt Lake was ALWAYS in everyone ’ s face ALL of the time.  It was quite refreshing not having advertisements and commercialism thrown at us every single minute – but I slowly understood the need.  Surely there has got to be a happy medium. Roland and I had both applied for several positions in August.   Nothing seemed to pan out.   Perhaps that is why Roland went with this hidden jewelry store which others had evidently heard of.   I never have.   The location is NOT a prime location.   It ’ s set back behind several food places.   For the first two months of being hired the Roseburg location wasn ’ t even open – though the building was there. The pandemic had slowed down its reopening.   And then when they did reopen they didn ’ t have any heat. ...

Decisions and Ripple Effects

          How many of our decisions affect others?   Choosing to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich over tuna fish may not have any kind of a ripple effect as making a choice to drive or walk toward oncoming traffic.             Yesterday morning Balras Sing Dhillon had stopped his car just outside of Myrtle Creek.   Whether it was a conscience decision or not is unknown.   Police received a call about a vehicle stopped in the northbound left lane of the interstate approximately six in the morning and went to investigate. When they approached the vehicle, the driver took off.   The driver continued for another mile before crashing into the medium.   He must have climbed over the medium after he abandoned his car.   Was he running from the police?   Was he so disoriented that he didn’t know what he was doing?   I believe the latter as...

It Was on my Agenda

             Even though I knew I had two classes coming up, I had agreed to fill in for one of the aides during the last two weeks of February.  Technically, my two classes started on President’s Day which I had off.  Still, I struggled through that first week and did not make the best grades compared to the other ones I have been getting.             It snowed on the last Sunday in February.  The next morning I had three messages on my phone:  “Buses will be delayed for two hours on Monday morning”  “Buses will be delayed for two hours on Monday morning”  and “School has been canceled for Monday."  I thought I'd take advantage of having the time off and get a better jump start on my classes than I had the week before.  I was able to listen to the live lecture and had completed one discussion post before taking what I thought would be a short bre...