
Showing posts with the label problems

What a LONG and Exciting Day . . . for Richard

                 Though the word “Exciting” is generally related to being a positive adjective, one’s anxiety level does not always mean the “excitement” is positive.  Take yesterday for example.  My, what a long day –           It started out as a dry run to the dump – just to explore without first loading up and appearing to be lost.   I told Richard he should ask questions while we were there.   He didn’t.   That’s on him.           As we were passing downtown anyway, Jaime wanted to stop by Tommy’s to get a treat. We loaded up the truck after we returned.           The truck was purchased from a member who is going through a divorce.   He said that it needed a new battery which we have not purchased yet.   I think we need to do that.      ...

I Miss My Flip Phone!

               There are so many things I miss about my flip phone.  No accidental butt dials.  Not that I can actually butt dial as my touch screen is so LARGE that it will NOT fit into a human pocket.  Often it is too big for the provided pocket that comes with totes especially designed for the cell phone.  NOT my cell phone.           My last phone was an Easyfone which totally lives up to its name.  Turn it on and it is ready to go.  No waiting for the forces of nature to connect to cyberspace even though I don ’ t have all the so called cool features as apps and the internet.  Unwanted ads.  I already get that through texting – Thank you very much.  Never got the ads through my cell phone – not even Trump ’ s important message that went out to most cell phone owners.  Not me.  It was great.         I ...

Don't Ever Buy a Doro 7050

            Who can keep up with modern technology?   You purchase any electronic item at the store and it is outdated before you even get it home – possibly before it even hits the showroom floor.   What’s up with that?                  Once upon a time things were built to last.   Television repariman took pride in their work.      Vintage Magazine Book Be Your Own TELEVISION REPAIRMAN 1953 Greenberg Publisher HD replaced anything from the 2oth century and Smart TV has outdated screens after that.   Less than 6 years ago Roland purchased a BlueRay DVD player with feature to add Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.   What a relic!   It no longer supports Hulu so if we should want to order Hulu for the TV, we have to purchase newer items which will become relics in less than four years and have to be replaced again!         ...


We had a leak in our pipes right underneath the sink. In order to fix it, Roland had   to turn off the water to the house. The water meter to our house is not only in our neighbor’s yard, it is in their driveway. What’s up with that?

Agism - Where Do I Start?

Currently, I am taking a class called “Sociology of Aging”.   I know it will be a good class and look forward to these next three and a half weeks.   The course will end before I know it. My instructor is quite animated and reminds me of my late sister-in-law except happier.   I enjoyed listening to the lecture yesterday as the happiness in her voice and arm movement (I have only had one other instructor record herself).   I know her teaching methods aren’t going to appeal to everybody, but I enjoy the bonus of hearing joy. I tried reading the book but was becoming bored with the way it was written and turned to YouTube instead and found some informative videos on the subjects and some that came across even more boring than the reading. I have also volunteered to test market a hotspot device through the school so they can monitor how much time I spend on research and study.   Only they won’t be getting an accurate reading.   My internet, WiFi, ...

Stay On Task - Don't Go Ahead!

I've been working at various schools substituting for aides who need the time off for whatever reason.  This week I observed two different classes react differently to the same set of instructions:             "We will be doing these problems as a class.  Follow my instruction.  I will give you time to finish each problem.  Stay on task.  Do not go ahead of your classmates.  It's important that we do this together."             The first group did not even make the attempt to follow the directions.  Each had a private race against the other classmates.  Most of them really did seem to understand what was expected on the worksheets but still lacked in following the direction of staying on task and not moving ahead.             The second group stayed on task and focused....