
Showing posts with the label scrapbook

Long Overdue Adjustment in Attitude

          A week before Jenna was born I started recording thoughts in a journal from what I thought might be her point of view.   I added pictures to my accounts.   By the time she was ten I had ten volumes of journal which we started rereading this month.   It has helped to take our minds off everything that is currently taking place and what limited activities I will allow. I do not like the person I was when she was younger.   I was always so uptight.   I am so grateful to have left that person behind and that Jenna and I are friends with one another and that has her dad’s positivity rather than the attitude I feel like I have lost.   I certainly hope that I did.   I know I still have my uptight moments but I am such a happier and different person than I was for a long time.   I hope to always radiate positivity.

Reminiscing 70+ years part 2

                Roland brought some corn into the house the other day.   He had picked it from our garden.   I took pictures of the produce and went out to the garden to take pictures of each bed and started a post on the progress (or lack thereof) of our garden.   I stopped my thought flow around 2:30 as Jenna gets home from school between 2:30 and 2:45 and wanted to be in the front room to greet her when she returned.             She asked if I could drive her to the youth center which she hasn't gone to for over a year.   I knew   I would have to fill out paperwork as the center requires that the information be updated each year.   It appears that the paperwork packet increases in size each year.   This year felt like a small book.             Roland and ...