Long Overdue Adjustment in Attitude

          A week before Jenna was born I started recording thoughts in a journal from what I thought might be her point of view.  I added pictures to my accounts.  By the time she was ten I had ten volumes of journal which we started rereading this month.  It has helped to take our minds off everything that is currently taking place and what limited activities I will allow.

I do not like the person I was when she was younger.  I was always so uptight.  I am so grateful to have left that person behind and that Jenna and I are friends with one another and that has her dad’s positivity rather than the attitude I feel like I have lost.  I certainly hope that I did.  I know I still have my uptight moments but I am such a happier and different person than I was for a long time.  I hope to always radiate positivity.


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