You are on Your Own - Though You Don't Have to be
The year that the Church had come out with the “Come Follow Me” program is the same year that having three meetings at the church was cut back to two meetings and strongly suggested to continue study that third hour but at home with the family. Richard’s calling kept him after church and so Jaime and I would come home and read the manual and watch videos together. Read scriptures with discussion, but that tapered out. We weren’t so diligent about studying together quite as often. I continued to study the manual and watch videos though not as diligently as this year or even in 2022 with the Doctrine and Covenants. Good until summer hits and slowly have gotten back on track during fall – except for the Old Testament which I wasn’t so diligent about. But I have gotten much better this year. I try to study each week as though I will be...