
Showing posts with the label cultural refinement

Embrace the Differences

            I vaguely remember a class called “Culture Refinement”.   It was taught in Relief Society on the 4 th Sunday of the month.   I remember my mom was a cultural refinement teacher.   I know that was her calling while I was out on my mission. The subjects of her lessons seemed to focus on arts, literature, and customs.   I liked the custom part of it – learning about other cultures, nationalities and backgrounds. The class was dropped sometime before this century – though I can’t pinpoint a date.   I was serving in the primary for so many years.          I guess I was reminded a little bit when we had our lesson on Sunday.   The theme (from my point of view anyway) was on acceptance and loving a person though you might not agree with their lifestyles.   It would be nice to understand different walks of life – what makes one tick.   Becoming more aware of our diversiti...