
Showing posts with the label Jennifer Armstrong

Dear Mr. President

Winslow Press started the creation of a series called “Dear Mr. President” – I think a wonderful introduction.   I love the five books that were made.   I wish there was more.   I don’t know why it was discontinued – or so it seems.   Winslow Press doesn’t seem to offer publication later than 2002 (that I could see) and it doesn’t appear the site has been updated since May 2009.     Perhaps Winslow Press is one of many businesses that has had to file bankruptcy in the last decade and a half.   The three books I will focus on most are: Theodore Roosevelt: letters from a young coal miner by Jennifer Armstrong, Abraham Lincoln: letters from a slave girl by Andrea Davis Pinkney , and Franklin D. Roosevelt: letters from a mill town girl by Winthrop, Elizabeth. Though the Letters are fictionalized, information provided in the correspondence is based upon meticulous research.   I like how Winslow press refers ...

Finding Another Piece of History

I read a book a while ago and started a post about author Jennifer Armstrong.   There is such amazing passion in her writing .   Well, I’ve only read three books thus far.   But I feel the need to post something – and yet haven’t felt inspired to write.   So here is a short post that was started eight months ago, but never really finished. The first Jennifer Armstrong book that I read was The American Story which gives a brief summery to so many who contributed to American history.   I love her passion towards history and for accuracy.     Currently, most of the books I read are geared to children.  Every once in a while I will try one geared to the adults, but always come back to books that are geared to the youth.  There were two Armstrong books geared to adults that I checked out from the library.  One about the Mickey Mouse Club and one about the Mary Tyler Moore television show.   Though I had no...