It Was a Pride Thing
I would like to be more humble as I have always had a problem with pride. Whenever I think that I have overcome so much of my pride – wham! I find myself fighting all over again. And here are just two examples: 1) When I was in the young women ’ s presidency the YW president had asked me to write a skit for camp – which I did but it took some time to incorporate my ideas. When I tried to present my idea the YW pres. said it was no longer needed. The girls had decided that they wanted to do something else – which really didn ’ t even relate to the topic. At least at the time I didn ’ t think it did. I felt a bit put out that I had worked on this skit and they didn ’ t even want to listen to my ideas. And I knew it was wrong to feel resentment. After all it is the girls who should be involved and they were. I should have expressed praise or some kind of encouragement. I tried to shru...