
Showing posts with the label priesthood

What May Feel Like the Duration or Released Before Your Feet are Wet

                Scouting is no longer a calling in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but there was a time when it was – which is still a sore subject for some.  I remember when Richard had been called to be a scout leader for the primary youth.  He was told that it would be a five year calling.  I don’t think he was in for even a year before he called to be first counselor in the Elder’s quorum.          I think it was just April of this year that Richard had been called as a Sunday School teacher for the 11-14 year-olds.   In July he was called to be the Sunday School president.   Just now he was called as first Counselor in the priesthood quorum.   Wow.   I wonder who the new Sunday School president will be?          It’s funny how it seems there are some people stuck in callings as though it is a lifetime positio...

Sacrament Bread

                I remember when I was a youth, our ward had made it the responsibility of the Aaronic Priesthood to bring the bread.   They rotated among Deacons, Teachers and Priests - at least I think that's how it was.   I might not have even thought about it, but I remember several times when my brother Patrick would announce that it was his turn to bring the bread.   I don't know if this was really a ward thing or if it happened in every church at that time or when it changed or if it changed.   I don't hold the priesthood myself.                 I don't know who was responsible for bringing the bread during my married years.   I don't think it was the Aaronic priesthood however as I don't recall being in the position of bringing bread - which we would have done almost weekly as our boys made up 60% of...