What May Feel Like the Duration or Released Before Your Feet are Wet
Scouting is no longer a calling in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but there was a time when it was – which is still a sore subject for some. I remember when Richard had been called to be a scout leader for the primary youth. He was told that it would be a five year calling. I don’t think he was in for even a year before he called to be first counselor in the Elder’s quorum. I think it was just April of this year that Richard had been called as a Sunday School teacher for the 11-14 year-olds. In July he was called to be the Sunday School president. Just now he was called as first Counselor in the priesthood quorum. Wow. I wonder who the new Sunday School president will be? It’s funny how it seems there are some people stuck in callings as though it is a lifetime positio...