
Showing posts with the label Julia Roberts

“Stepmom” Review and Comparrison

         “Stepmom” was released in theatres December 1998.   The movie is put out by Columbia Pictures and stars Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon.    I enjoyed the movie the first time I watched it. I hadn’t considered being able to identify with any of the characters personally, though I did know of actual people that were real life characters.   I thought Jena Malone’s character was a brat.   Great actress.   I had seen her in a Hallmark production only two years earlier.   Ellen Foster and Anna Harrison – though played by the same actress – were two entire different people.   I did not even realize it was the same actress until only moments ago.          Julia Roberts plays Isabel Kelly – the current love of Luke Harrison (played by Ed Harris) who’d been married to Jackie (played by Susan Sarandon) – and finds herself in a situatio...