
Showing posts with the label Gremlins

Circle Colors

Is it possible that the elements could be so cold that the signal for internet is lost?   The outside has gotten below freezing between 1:00 and 5:00.   Jenna, who has gotten up as early as three (strange child) was trying to sign up on the internet yesterday and was frustrated with it not coming up. If she couldn’t get on her devise (which she would seriously give up for non-electronic entertainment) I wasn’t even going to bother trying mine.   Mine has been having problems ever since Roland received a new updated computer from his work.   It must be sucking up more signal or something.   That isn’t fair. As Roland was toying with Jenna’s device, I got up and checked the status on the box.   One light was solid green, one light was blinking green.   One light was blinking orange.   The other two were out.   I mentioned that it was probably the internet – and the last time we had encountered that problem it was not so much a household t...

I Don’t Get It

                I think there are gremlins bugging the social media right now – or some aspects of it anyway.   I have noticed it on facebook and YouTube, but I don’t know which order – probably facebook.   Each time they try to improve the site, there are millions of bugs that cause havoc for the user.             Lately facebook has ignored my requests of who I would like notifications from and have been throwing in notifications at random.   Just the other day I received a notification for someone I wasn’t even aware I was facebook friends with (which goes to show how close we are) and so I have been typing in the names of family members just so I am updated about their latest thoughts.             As I have mentioned in at least two other posts, I created a Relief Society pa...

Strange Things

             I had gone to bed early on Thursday. Really early.   I don’t know why I was so exhausted.   I wish I had been that worn out last night.   Perhaps I would have slept better. Yesterday I had awoken just after midnight and could not get back to sleep.   I left the room in hopes that watching TV would return me to slumberland.   Most every channel seemed to air infomercials and those that didn’t weren’t showing anything that interested me at that moment.   Thus I decided I would try Netflix.   I was told that the internet was out and a suggestion to check the cable.   What?   I was hoping to fall back asleep, not wake myself up to check chords – uh, no.   I don’t remember what it was that finally returned me to sleep.             It was a while later when I heard Roland get up, but I was determined to sleep in for as long.   That w...