
Showing posts with the label Hitler

Under Whose Authority?

They don’t look anything alike, but their ruling seems similar.   Donald Trump promoted HATE before he was voted into office – and yet there were so many who really believed in his promise to make Germany America “great again”   Now there are Nazis protester movements in other countries – supporting a cause that should never have been an issue. It should not matter if we are black, Jewish Chinese, American, Italian, red, orange, green Whatever! We are all a part of the human race – even though some may act like they’re not. I hope the protesters in other countries are more peaceful and don’t end in violent riots.   Our nation has a curfew just as those during World War II. Hitler wanted to keep his people in the dark by taking away their radios, limiting their transportation, taking away any freedoms that may have existed. Trump wants to do the same thing.   He sends messages to the nation by texting so that eve...

Third Assignment for Philosophy 310

        I have been an online student for almost two years now.   During that time I have had only four instructors make comments on each page of the assignment.   Most will make a comment by the grade but not explain specific details within the paper.   I still don't know the difference between relativism and contextualism but did get 100% on my assignment.         The online school that I attend requires APA ( American Psychological Association) for written assignments. My blog does not.   Rather than include the list of APA cited references, I will just include the link in my parentheses references should you be interested in more research on the topic. "The moral values, ethical codes, and laws that guide our choices in normal times are, if anything, even more, important to help us navigate the confusing and disorienting time of a disaster" ( Fink, 2018 ).    ...

Mind Games: Educating Bullies

                  I believe it was 1996 when the freeway was in the process of a new makeover as Utah would be holding the winter Olympics in 2002 and the city needed to get ready for the mass transportation that would be involved.             I was working downtown and had chosen to ride the bus to my destination.   Often I would catch a bus which ran along State Street, but every once in a while I managed to catch the one that went by way of the freeway.   Either way I had my nose in a book during the ride.             I recall one day in particular I was reading the autobiography of a World War II survivor from Poland.   He was only a boy when the invasion started and described the horrific scenery – which to him was not so horrific - as he thought the dirt pit...

Hitler helped me (and Jenna)

I had given her the nickname Hitler because of the way she was barking – trying to keep children in line.   Okay.   I understand a little bit – from personal experience I do know that not ALL children listen.   And sometimes it is necessary to bark to be heard.   But when she barked at me, I was offended.           I was wearing the visitor name tag – only she hadn’t seen it as it was beneath my coat.   Perhaps she was just having an off day – or maybe I was.   But she didn’t make a good first impression (and maybe neither did I)   Still it was wretched of me to use a same wicked nickname on her that I do for Roland’s ex.   NO ONE deserves that!           I have repented of my ways.   I no longer refer to her as Hitler.   I think her name is Sarah – or perhaps Sarah is the tot she pushes in the stroller.   Though the Tot was not with h...