
Showing posts with the label patriotic program

A Patriotic Turn-Around – Thank You Everyone

         Several years ago, my brother Corey presented a patriotic program to the Relief Society of the ward we attended.   Great program.   One that I had tried to recreate – though it didn’t go as I had planned.          I have the original tape that Corey had made – somewhere.   I couldn’t find it and so had to recreate one.   He said he hadn’t saved the program and so I had to recreate that as well.   Rely upon my own research instead of his.   Though I believe I had it easier.   Today we have access to several sources on the Internet.   Corey used the card catalog and spent HOURS putting the program together.          I recorded music, though I didn’t like the quality (or lack thereof) of the recording as the volume changed with each song.   I had asked Corey if he and Joh could/would record songs for...

Assisting and/or Taking Over - Being Involved

            After a successful Relief Society activity that I had inadvertently volunteered to set up , I was called to head the RS activity committee.  What committee???             I have a few ideas to share, but some require more participation than I have been getting.  Aurelia loves the idea of doing a "Price is Right" activity as we had done in my previous ward.  See here and here  hopefully (if there is no screen on the second here , try this one ).             I initially brought it up because Aurelia said that we needed to do an activity on food storage and I thought that was a fun activity - but certainly not one we can pull off with just three participants.  So that will be on hold until September at least.  Meanwhile I gave the suggestion of doing a Patriotic ...