
Showing posts with the label breakfast

Our Christmas 2023

            Jaime and I were up before 5:00.  We played Phrasel on the kindle as we waited for Richard to emerge from the bedroom – possibly 45 minutes later.  We opened two presents each before getting dressed.  A calendar from my grandchildren I had spent Thanksgiving with!  What a beautiful calendar it is!           We had invited the missionaries over to have breakfast with us and played some games with them before they had to leave.  We then opened the rest of our gifts and played more games.  Brand new games – two of which we had played with the Elders.           David invited us to have dinner with his family.   We played more games before returning home.   I am very tired and need to go to bed.   Perhaps I ’ ll include more detail and pictures in another post.

Bonnie Goes for a Stroll

               Before going to Church on Sunday, the Elders had asked if we could pick up a person that they are teaching.  They asked if they could teach this individual at our home.  They came over last night.           Richard had asked if they could eat with us but they had an appointment set up for dinner with another member.   However it cancelled and the elders let us know.   Richard decided to do a breakfast which somehow never turns out the way we plan as some of the food gets cold while whatever else is being made.   However there were no complaints.            Unsure about how many people would be eating – as we heard there might be two extra people and then Jai had also invited one of her friends – but it ended up with just six of us.   The three in our household and the three missionaries.   But before we sat down for our br...

Christmas 2021

                We had signed up to feed the missionaries at 4:00.  We watched “An American Christmas Carol” and Jenna and I took Bonnie for a walk.  I think we talked with all three boys before Roland started dinner.           Jenna says it’s tradition that we always have a breakfast meal for our Christmas Eve dinner.   So guess what the elders got? It wasn’t the traditional breakfast that we normally have.   Roland started cooking the meal just after 3:00.   Our meal consisted of steak, eggs, cornbread and hash browns with bacon. Three elders arrived shortly before 4:00.   We put Bonnie in my room and fed the elders in the back room where we have the tree. Jenna does not like steak and could have made a meal out of corn bread alone. I think she had at least four pieces. After the elders left we watched “Encanto” – well, Jenna did.   Roland and I watched part of...

Finishing Saturday

          We had signed up to feed the missionaries for Saturday.  Roland had requested them to come at 4:00 but they said they could not come until 5:00 – which is their normal eating time.  We were doing another breakfast dinner but with a few changes – such as having waffles. Roland believed he could start the dinner at 3:00 and have it ready by 4:00.  I think with the amount of time he spent trying to repair the cable, he would just assume have not had to deal with the missionaries at all.  However the arrangements had already been made. With the cable disconnected and his working to get it repaired, I started a countdown which I don ’ t think helped his mood at all.   I thought it would be nice if he showered before our breakfast dinner got started.   I ran over the list in my mind – eggs, waffles, sausage and bacon.   It seemed like there was something else but I could not figure it out otherwise I would have started...

Light of the Ward

Yesterday was National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.   I noticed the flags lined up and down the bridge as we made our way to the Ward Christmas party.    We had a brunch this year.   A 10:00 morning meal is great for so many reasons.   Breakfast.   Everything is catered.   No setting up of tables, decorations and so forth just to take it all down again (at least not by the ward members) no responsibilities of signing up to bring a dish in addition to reminder calls and a hodgepodge assortment of food.   I think the greatest plus is that it is light enough to see where we are driving.   The light invites.   Driving in the dark often seems so dismal. Roland had been asked to play Santa Claus who hasn’t been a part of any ward Christmas that we have been a part of in Oregon.   Roland had memorized a speech about how our focus needs to be on Christ rather than Santa – for Santa wants to worship Christmas in a righteous way an...

Fall Activities and Ghost Pancakes

          Four years ago yesterday, our friends Cheryl and Miguel decided to take their niece Payton to the Cornbelly's activity at Thanksgiving Point.   They asked if they could take Jenna with them.           Jenna and Payton got along well together.   Payton was two years older than Jenna, but shorter.   Many people who saw them together believed they were sisters.   I did not go with them, but had remembered the event as Cheryl had tagged me in several photos on facebook.   I had the opportunity of seeing them again when facebook memory page showed me the photos.     Cheryl had taken quite a few pictures;  I don't have permission to post the ones she took - there were several of Jenna and Payton.           I thought it fitting to see the photos while thinking about Jenna and commenting...

Feeding the Mormons

posted 12/10/2016           Our ward did something different for the Christmas celebration this year.  Instead of the traditional dinner that is normally done, we had a Christmas breakfast.  And the Relief Society wasn’t in charge of fixing any of it.  It was catered!           Last year, we had it in the Skyhawk room in Myrtle Creek – which seems to be a popular spot for annual events – and not just the cafeteria between the elementary and middle schools.  But this we had our breakfast at the Bible Christian Center in Riddle.  The inside of the facility definitely seems a lot bigger than the outside.  I was impressed.                     We had the option of scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage patties, muffins, fruit, and in addition to the drink choices of milk, cr...