
Showing posts with the label finances

Nightmares and Statistics

          It is said that owning one’s own business is the American Dream.   I don’t believe that’s true.   Roland majored in business and would like to start up a business and has had that desire for as long as I’ve known him.   The problem is that over 90% of those who try their hand at business don’t succeed with keeping said business open.   Over 90%!   Holy Cow!   That is not a dream!   That is a nightmare!           We have been in Myrtle Creek only four years and have seen several businesses come and go -   not that Myrtle Creek is the booming establishment of getting one’s business started.   But still . . . opening a business, regardless of location,   seems like such a gamble to me.   It has never nor will ever be my dream.   And yet it doesn’t seem satisfying to collect a paycheck on somebody else’s dream.    ...

Will You Hand Me Some Tissues, Please?

                This is my third week taking my class called “Sociology of Ageism”.   It’s been an interesting class, but I have been on an emotional roller coaster with the topics this week.   Our discussion is on assisted living and long term health care and thus I’ve been reminiscing on what health care I would have liked for my mom versus what was settled for due to the expense.                 I was in tears during the lecture as more triggers reintroduced me to some painful times during my mother’s final years and how it affected each family member not only with my mom but with one another.   Whenever my instructor asked a question, I would provide an answer in lengthy detail to share the gist of what was felt – but not everything I felt.   It wasn’t until after class that I posted a second discussion for a...

Change & Responsibility

          For many of us change is a difficult thing.  We change instructors each time we advance a grade in school.  Our insurance doesn’t allow for a certain expense and we change doctors as a result.  Death always creates change.  We must deal with the void in our lives.  Some do this gracefully.  Others may complain.           Often, we are asked to accept responsibilities that we certainly hadn’t stood in line for. Some of the responsibilities accepted force us to grow in ways that we may have not otherwise understood.  Take my brother, Corey, and cousin, Michelle for example.  Both had been placed in situations regarding finances attached to an estate.  Corey took over what Patrick had been assigned to do initially.  We had all voted on it.  Patrick seemed the logical choice.  He could have easily cheated each of us out of our inheritance but we al...

Return to Grants Magic

                It was at the end of August or the beginning of September when the library treasurer mentioned a grants program workshop she had signed up for and said the tuition would cover up to four participants.   I don't know if she had mentioned it in hopes I would volunteer - but I did.   She said the program would start in October and I would be receiving email from the instructor - and then I forgot about it.             In September I attended a meeting in which clipboards were passed around in order for us to sign up for teams which would guide financing, library training, public relations and one other.   There were two that I definitely didn't want to belong to and signed up for training.   But wait . . . what happened with the Grants Magic ( here ) I had been signed up for?   I told the treasurer I had not received an email.    ...


          As I have already mentioned, I had started two classes on Labor Day this month.   One in managerial accounting and the other in financing.   My accounting class seems like a refresher course as there is some familiarity within the topics. It also feels like a prequel to my financing class and I wish I had it BEFORE my financing class and not side-by-side as I tend to get the two mixed up and have actually turned in one assignment for one class into the other.           Fortunately I have really good instructors in both classes who have been able to give me feedback right away instead of waiting until the end of the week as was the case with my last instructor who did announce ahead of time that his grading day is Sunday and that is it.           I am having the hardest time with the subject at hand.   Valuation principals...