
Showing posts with the label the Quilt Walk

Material Things

          When we left Salt Lake, there was a lot of material possessions that were left behind.   I fully believed that we would get back within a few months and I would be able to retrieve those possessions.   But it did not work out that way.   I couldn't even retrieve the five boxes that Kayla had retrieved and saved for me because we had the wrong car.   We were supposed to get a rental that would have been bigger than our Saturn - but we did not have the room.           Randy reminded me that I had saved several cameras that I thought might be collector items one day.   So much for that idea.   Randy said he'd keep them for me or send them to me.   I don't remember which, but I have no reason to believe them.   I'll never see them again.   And perhaps they really aren't worth anything.   I'll never know.     ...