
Showing posts with the label phones

Don't Ever Buy a Doro 7050

            Who can keep up with modern technology?   You purchase any electronic item at the store and it is outdated before you even get it home – possibly before it even hits the showroom floor.   What’s up with that?                  Once upon a time things were built to last.   Television repariman took pride in their work.      Vintage Magazine Book Be Your Own TELEVISION REPAIRMAN 1953 Greenberg Publisher HD replaced anything from the 2oth century and Smart TV has outdated screens after that.   Less than 6 years ago Roland purchased a BlueRay DVD player with feature to add Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.   What a relic!   It no longer supports Hulu so if we should want to order Hulu for the TV, we have to purchase newer items which will become relics in less than four years and have to be replaced again!         ...

Two Discussion Posts

          I have now completed my economics course.   My instructor has completed grading all of my work, and so I will go ahead and share what I have turned in.           On my first post this month I shared a video of a phone service parody.   This is the discussion that went with it:       "How many of my classmates remember the landline and payphones? Funny how perspective changes from being a child to being an adult. Our responsibilities are not the same, and therefore we view the world in a different way. For example, I never personally had to wait for AT&T to come out and install or repair a telephone, but my mom did. Back then we didn't have the option of cell phones or even provider plans for that matter. The Bell System had a monopoly all across the nation with its "Bell" trademark on every phone booth. Every household that had a phone receiv...