
Showing posts with the label discoveries

Recycling Lights and Day 10

       Today ’ s Light of the World feature is to Highlight our hero on social media and just like last year ( here ) I think those who truly have Christ like attributes would NOT want to be showcased on social media.  Especially if they don ’ t see it in themselves.  Thus here is my post for day 10.         Jenna had an assignment in which she was to write an essay answering different questions about a book character or a personal ancestor.  She chose the latter and we found an ancestor I knew I had stories for.  She needed more words than the three stories combined. As we couldn't answer all the questions accurately we fudged a bit on  “ what might have been ” – it was quite a good essay, but not exact as we have no way of knowing if all the facts were actual – only that much of it was “ based on truth ” .         When Jenna learned what Day 10 would be she excitedly asked if she c...


For a year I believed that my youngest granddaughter, Liz, shared her birthday with my son Tony, who is her dad.  It wasn't until I wished a "happy birthday" to both her and Tony that I was corrected.  It's true that Rochelle had gone to the hospital on his birthday, but Liz did not arrive until after midnight making her birthday November 4th instead of the 3rd. This year Rochelle has been carrying extra weight with our only grandson who was also due to make his appearance in November but decided to come a month to six weeks early.  They must have checked into the hospital late last night after Tony had called to wish Roland happy birthday.  Their baby arrived before 2:00 this morning. Recap:  Roland was born on the 3rd.  Two of his children were born on the 3rd.  Daddy daughter combo born different months on the 3rd - in fact, he and Jenna are exactly 50 1/2 years apart.  (see here ) Tony and his oldest daughter are both on the third.  A...

Come Unto Christ – Wise Men Still Seek Him

I vaguely remember reading a story about a young boy who had the honor of traveling with his father to see the Christ child – or perhaps it was that he wanted to go, but was too young to make the journey.   I don’t remember when or where I read it.   I hadn’t thought about it until yesterday when Kristen gave this years first lesson in Relief Society.   Such a beautiful lesson.   I don’t know why I had never connected the dots before. Kristin started out her letter with a video portraying the wise men who had traveled for over two years before they reached the Christ child – who was a child and not an infant resting in a manger.   I remembered being told that “they found him in a house” but had never really considered the long journey they had made.   I had forgotten how I had read about the anticipation and excitement and the long wait. We read from the Bible Dictionary and Matthew 2.   We looked up the words Magi and Three Ki...

Learning Geography part 2: South America and Flags

Jenna and I have played “Crazy Countries” a game much like Crazy 8  Of course the Africa continent deck has a lot more cards than say Oceania or South America deck and so we of course don’t play with all of the cards.  We’re not learning countries so much as continents – for I have told Jenna that whenever we use a wild card to change suit, we have to say by continent rather than color. I took Spanish in 9 th and 10 th grade.  In my first year, part of our lessons included studying  the countries in South America .  We were also assigned pen pals to correspond with in hopes that it would help us learn our Spanish and assist our pen pal with his or her English. The map of South America looks the same way I remember it looking in 1975.  It looks the same way today.  And I am impressed by the stableness of the boundaries.  It makes geography so much easier to learn (and share).   After playing “Crazy Countri...

Old Newspaper Clippings and Other Saved Items

          Mom kept boxes filled with treasures from each of her children.  Treasures.  That’s really a matter of opinion.  I find it amazing that the pages of my baby book are still intact and of great quality paper compared to many I have filled on my own.  But I still scanned the pages – saving a bit for Jenna but still discarding a lot. School work done on ditto paper.  Remember those?  Before Xerox and other photo copiers.  Purple carbon paper and ink     All daily assignments and homework in purple outline – never black I kept some of my drawings out for Jenna to look at.  The majority I’ve thrown away.  And I’m proud to say that she has also.  I had made a calendar for my Uncle and his family who were living in Denver at the time.  I don’t believe my mom ever mailed it as it was in my box – but as I pulled it apart, I completely und...

Introduction: Beneath the Wraps

          I had once heard a story of a racist who was sent to a burn center for her condition.   Life had dealt her a bum deal.   She was in constant pain. She was bitter. And she made it no secret about how she felt.   She quickly gained a reputation in the burn center because of her ill mannered behavior.           All the patients wore bandages – some more than others...   They were all burn victims.   None was able to escape his or her circumstances due to race, religion, or possession of money. They all had to be treated. In time this women was befriended by another patient who was certainly in far worse shape than she – he looked like a mummy as he appeared to be covered with bandages from head to toe.   And yet he had such a great outlook on life.   He taught her how to cope, to listen, and to live.   She enjoyed their visits together an...