
Showing posts with the label journaling

I Write For Me

             So often I will write down my thoughts as I ponder over the scriptures.   I write them down in hopes I will remember.   Sloppy cursive that I can’t always read.   I certainly don’t expect anybody else will.             Sometimes I jot down ideas when the computer isn’t available.   I plan to transfer my thoughts into something legible.   I still have many ideas stored in a folder for blogging reference.   Most of the time it gets ignored or else I move on from whatever thought I had.           December 17 for instance.   I had looked up articles featuring Tik Tok and the disturbances it can cause.   It’s said that a fourteen-year-old was arrested for his part in upsetting the school systems and law enforcement who assisted with the safety of the students throughout the nation.   Two weeks later I s...

Dash #607 Never Stop Writing

           When I was younger, I enjoyed reading poems and would often write nonsense poems just for the sake of rhyming.   It wasn’t until I was in high school and taking a creative writing class that I learned about many different types of poetry and have often attempted writing different styles.   Some styles I prefer more than others.           I wrote poems for many years.   I wrote poems and started many different story lines, but I don’t think I ever finished a single one.   My mind has mostly raced ahead of my pencil.   The word processor seemed to add an ease to writing stories and biography.   I now have the ability to add things and delete things and not worry about marring the paper in any way.             I rarely write poems anymore.   Sometimes I will work on stories with Jenna.   But mostly what I w...

Catching Up on Some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs

I was on my computer Tuesday morning when I received a call from one of the schools.   It was 8:35 and the shift started at 9:00.   It was for the school that is farthest away, but I thought I could be there on time.   At that point I didn’t know if I’d be working with the elementary or middle school age children.   I wish it had been the older kids instead of the younger ones. I was over my sore throat but still had that darn dry cough, and because I was using my voice all day (except for recess) my cough became stronger and my throat started hurting again.   I did not work yesterday. The RS presidency meets once a week.   Initially they met on Monday but had changed it to Wednesday to accommodate me.   I don’t particularly enjoy working on Wednesdays as it is the short day and school lets out at the same time I get off.   I’d rather not deal with school traffic – which I don’t on any other day.   If I know there is not going to be...

G is for Generations

                We must have stopped for gas in Central Point on our way home from Salt Lake last Christmas.   I remember stopping in a used book store.   I found a keepsake journal called “The Grandparent Book”.   Amy Brouse Rosenthal had created a book with a giant upper case “G” on both front and back covers.    The purpose is for a grandparent to journalize his/her life and allow the grandchild to make comparisons of their life to the grand.   None of the pages were marked.   It was in excellent condition and inexpensive.   Thus we purchased it and I planned to fill it out.           The book is designed for one grandparent or the other.   And as all the grandkids have biological ties to Roland, I thought he should be the one to fill out the pages.   I decided we should give it to our only grandson w...

Dash # GA12 Legacy.

What will be the greatest achievement of your life?  Is it behind you or still ahead of you?  I’d like to think that I would always strive to achieve something greater to improve who I am.  I’d like to leave a remarkable legacy – not necessarily in the public eye – but for Jenna and my posterity.

Define Your Dash #1

                  In September I created this post about "Dashes" and how they're to be defined by each of us as we write our memories that spell out our life.   One of my goals this year was to answer one of the dash questions once a week until I got through all 52 of them.   But there are actually more than 52.   Twelve topics provide twelve questions each here though only 52 are highlighted here .   5 each from 6 topics and 4 each of the remaining 6.               Some I have already answered without the intent of answering - they just all happen to be subjects that I've posted about.   So I will "define my dash" with some dash questions and some others that I picked up from journal jars or Relief Society handouts (assigning random numbers to the ones not suggested on Family Search.   Mix them up a little. ...