
Showing posts with the label blackberries

Not Loving My Accounting Class

            So this month's theme seems to be focusing on mergers and takeovers and combinations and blah, blah, blah . . .   There are some aspects of accounting that I don't mind, but I am quite annoyed with the topic of takeovers and stocks and bonds and goodwill and   . . . what the heck?   The reading is boring and hard to translate into English.   I feel like I'm looking at blueprints of trying to run a business patterned after Hitler's dictatorship.   I don't like it at all.             I have watched part of one video in which a former instructor goes through the assignment using a different example than the one assigned (makes sense) and I am trying to write down how she explains it and I'm just not in the mood (as though I ever will be) partly because I feel so worn out right now.       ...